Getting our ringneck chick :-)


New member
Mar 9, 2011
Stewie- Eclectus

Oscar-Black capped Conure-RIP my baby
We finally possibly found "the one" :) I am so excited!! We were in a bird store on Saturday and all of her ringneck chicks were sold. While we were there a call came in and the lady buying the one we wanted had decided to wait on another bird!!!! What are the chances of that? Talk about being in the right place at the right time.

This little blue baby was seperated from all of the others because it had gotten it's little foot stuck in the wire at the bottom of the cage (all of the others were afraid and this one was curious and really looking at us while we talked to it). The vet said it is healing wonderfully. We want a male so on Monday when he goes for his final foot checkup we are having a DNA test run. If it is a male and his foot is 100% then we will be bringing home our new 10 week old baby. Oscar will finally have a sibling(I want to name it Skylar) Monday can't get here soon enough!!!!! :)

Any advice for a IRN newbie?????

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