The boy had his 1st hair cut this week, so now he looks like a boy again.
I didn't hand tame Gilligan myself. He was hand reared and I paid 25 bux for him very recently.
Only one wing is clipped. When he has his next molt I will leave him unclipped. The breeder cuts only one wing so he will fly in a circle and not build up the speed to hurt himself by flying into a window. It works quite well. He already compensates and sort of Flutters in a straight line as it grows back in. The dog has already had him in his mouth once and is constantly waiting for another chance to "play" with Gilligan.
I make Pando sit with the bird on his nose for minutes on end. I would try and get pix, but I am always making sure the dog knows the rules. He wants to eat this bird so bad it hurts. So I put the bird down to the dogs level and sit and chat to each other all day long. the bird has no fear of anything and tells off Skippah and the dog every chance he gets.
I personally haven't ever understood that theory in clips ... only clip one wing ... I guess the logic is there, but the same effect is acquired by clipping both wings and only leaving two or three flights on each wing and that way the birdy doesn't have to "compensate"
for anything ... whatever ... I think that we can all agree that Gilligan can find better places to play than "in the dogs mouth"
I think we can all agree that laziness is behind the breeders wing clipping theories. Why clip 2 wings when you can clip one. He cut Skippah the same way. There will be no more wing clipping in this house. both birds will fly free soon.
You should really clip the other wing so they grow out evenly. One wing clipped is dangerous for birds. It makes them feel un balanced.
Also i hate to say this but you should really consider getting Giligan a square/rectangular shaped cage. It's fine if its dome topped just make sure it has 4 sides. Round cages make birds feel uncomfortable and unstable. Birds like corners. Please consider doing this, i'm sure it will improve Giligans training and behaviour as well. I've seen birds chnage so much from this (in a good way). It's like night and day with some birds.
Gillian is Gorgeous!
Its so awesome to see you with the budige out and enjoying her. I think sometimes the pet and companionship value of these birds is underestimated, they are just so comical!