Goffin's VS Galah


New member
Jul 21, 2011
Ricco - Goffin's Cockatoo
Wellll.... I went to a pet store about 45 mins away tonight. They had a 4 year old Galah there. Their bird room is locked, you have to get an employee to unlock it for you and supervise. So, I asked a lady about her and she said "Oh, she's sold." I said, "Oh, that's okay. I was just wondering if I could handle her a little bit. I'm trying to get some bird experience." She replied with, "Oh, yeah! That's fine!" She then proceeded to tell me that the bird's owner had died. :(

So anyway, she got her out for me and she stepped up on me right away. I went to give her scritches, but she didn't want it. She just wanted to explore my hands with her beak. LOL. She applied quite a bit of pressure, but surprisingly, it hurt less than the GCC bite I received not too long ago! Anyway, the lady had to go help some customers, so she put her back in the cage. I stayed in the room, and the Galah would press her head up to the bars of the cage so I could pet her. She was sooo sweet. I totally fell in love.

I think I've finally decided. I want a Galah or a Goffin's. They are smaller, and I have read from multiple sources that they are more laid back, quiet, less neurotic, etc. than bigger Cockatoos. I honestly believe that if I put enough research and work into this, I can definitely handle it. I want a bird that I can spend time with. I know you should teach a Cockatoo how to play by himself, and I plan on it. But I really want a companion. A bird that can be my friend for life. I have social anxiety and I honestly just don't like people very much. (No offense to any people out there. :p) I don't have many friends, and that's by choice. Lol. I would rather spend time with my animals or alone. So, I want a bird to hang out with. To keep me company. And I have about 10-11 hours a day free time. I have a lot of time to devote to a bird.

So now my question is....... Which?! From everything that I have read, Goffin's and Galahs are pretty much the same temperament wise. Individuals vary, of course. I have handled a Galah now, and there is a Goffin's at the rescue I plan on visiting soon.

Which do you prefer? (I know they all vary by individual and that it is a personal preference and that I should handle as many as I can... Working on it! :) )
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Oops! By the way: I have read mytoos.com. All of it. So, yes, I know that even though Goffin's and Galahs are smaller 'toos, they are still 'toos. And I know what they are capable of. I am fully prepared to take on a 'too, I honestly think their pros outweigh their cons. Especially the smaller species. :)
Get a Galah get a Galah! They are so pretty. I want either a Galah or a mollucan.
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Get a Galah get a Galah! They are so pretty. I want either a Galah or a mollucan.

Haha! Too bad you're in CA. :( I'm in IN and a friend of mine is giving away her Mollucan because she can't give him the attention he needs. :( I would take him, but I am in no way prepared for a big 'too! (Oh... And when I asked her what kind of bird she had, she said "a Mulligans Cockatoo." .....What? If you don't even know what species your bird is, you shouldn't have gotten it in the first place!)
That's ok, there are lots of mollucans here in ca that need homes so I will end up with one of them. They are just so cool and pretty, and believe it or not I don't mind there noise. There is a mollucan at a store by me and it is the calmest bird I have ever met.
I vote Galah! My 6month old handraised girl is my treasure. She's so playful and sweet very curious. Not too noisy. I live in suburbs and my neighbors don't even know I have a bird let alone a 'too. Very easy to teach tricks and speech and to play alone. Galah all the way!
I love Galahs, before I got Rosie I didn't think much of them but now I seem to be head over heels in love with the species.

A very important thing to consider is that Galahs must be fully flighted to get proper exercise. Without flight they may develop fatty tumors and liver disease cutting their life at around 30-40 rather than 60+ years.
I'm gonna be different and say Goffin's, they ares so silly. They always make me laugh. Fall in love, let someone choose you. Either way, once the come home you will be smitten.
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Thanks for the replies, everyone! :)

Yep, I know that 'toos need to be fully flighted. :) I plan on doing some research on that here soon. I haven't really read up on it, but I have read of the benefits of keeping a bird flighted. I only have a couple concerns... Firstly, I have 3 dogs. I am afraid that if I keep my bird flighted, and he takes off, my dogs' instincts will kick in and they'll jump up and grab him! :11:

Out of curiosity... Is there any way to keep a 'too clipped? And give them exercise other ways?

Thanks! :)
Thanks for the replies, everyone! :)

Yep, I know that 'toos need to be fully flighted. :) I plan on doing some research on that here soon. I haven't really read up on it, but I have read of the benefits of keeping a bird flighted. I only have a couple concerns... Firstly, I have 3 dogs. I am afraid that if I keep my bird flighted, and he takes off, my dogs' instincts will kick in and they'll jump up and grab him! :11:

Out of curiosity... Is there any way to keep a 'too clipped? And give them exercise other ways?

Thanks! :)
I only meant the Galah, it's good for all to be able to fly but the Galah in particular must be flighted for healthy issues.
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Thanks again, guys!

Well... I am having some reservations... ALWAYS! :( I am pretty sure I want a Goffin's. Doing the reading and everything, I am more drawn to them than I was initially. But, now I am having second thoughts. I'm doubting myself. I really think I can take care of a Goffin's and give him/her everything they need and more. But what if I can't?

Maybe I should just go with a Blue Crowned Conure instead. I like both the BCC and the G2. I think I would be happier with the G2 in the long run, but I am doubting myself in that I want to be 100% sure that I do everything right for the 'too, since they are less forgiving than a BCC. I also feel that a G2 would be more of a companion and bond more with me than a BCC, but that might not always be the case.

I am going to the bird fair on Sunday (SO. EXCITED. I haven't stopped talking about it all week... I think my co-workers and my fiance are ready to shoot me!) and I have about $800 to blow!!!! :eek: I really wanted to get a cage, perches, and toys this Sunday... But I can't do that unless I know for sure what I'm getting. Best case scenario: I find a cage big enough for a Goffin's, but that still has the bar spacing that would fit a BCC, so that no matter what I choose, I'm good to go! What do you think?
Well, I sent you my reply via PM but I'll say it here:

For what you're looking for, I think a Goffin's would be perfect. I don't have my gal fully flighted (I have asked my Avian Vet and she said that my gal will be fine with clipped wings, especially given how skittish she is, which I went over with you via PM). I think you should get the biggest cage you can afford, as Goffin's are very active! I don't know about BCC's ;)

Go Team Goffin's!!
i have a ducorp cockatoo. hes amazingly tame . had him 3 months now and he hasnt bit anybody thats been into my home. hes super calm around people and he does not like my 9 year old hahns macaw. hes definately a peoples parrot .

i would choose a galah over a goffins tho if it was between those 2
Galah is easy to take care , and less nosier than Goffin.

I had both and i can see that Galah is different from other Cockatoo.

Go Ahead and take Galah as a home pet !!

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