Going abroad for a year - can anyone help?


New member
Apr 25, 2015
Richmond, VA
one 19yo Moluccan.
Right off the bat I'd like to make it clear that I'm NOT trying to re-home my bird! I'm looking for a long-term foster care arrangement (approx. 1 year)

I’d like to introduce Pumpkin: he is a twelve year old Moluccan cockatoo, and I have had him since he was six months old. Gregarious, affectionate, adventurous and hilarious, he is the feathery love of my life. We bike ride through town together, frequent festivals and even hike. On sunny days we relax in the crepe myrtles and laugh at startled passersby. I can’t imagine life without him.

I’ll attempt to be brief with a quick background of his/my family’s history: my two sisters and I grew up in Connecticut with our parents for the first half of his life. Eventually, we all grew up and left the house for college and my parents separated, leaving my mother with the bird. Feeling incapable and overwhelmed, she gave him to a bird-friendly family in South Carolina without telling me. Devastated, I kept in touch with the family. Two years later, they hit their own hard times and had to rehome their birds. Without hesitation, I brought Pumpkin home to Richmond (one he’d never seen) and he seamlessly adjusted.

Here is my quandary today: I am getting ready to pursue a long-term trip abroad, for approximately one year, consisting of work trade and community service commitments. It is what I have been planning for years, and is essential to my educational, vocational, and personal growth. I didn’t anticipate the family discord – I am estranged from my mother and older sister, my father is incarcerated and my little sister is incapable of taking the bird. As you can imagine, finding a long-term yet temporary home for Pumpkin is proving to be an almost impossible task. Yet I will keep trying. Anyone with a parrot knows how much time and energy goes into caring for them, and I understand it is no easy task.

He is curious and warms quickly to people, and I have faith that he will comfortable adjust to his new environment. Like every Moluccan (and parrot!) he will occasionally bite territorially and he screams every day for his mate. Men are his favorite, so my partner has the burden of constant cuddling! He has never had a feather-picking problem, nor has he had any other neuroses to speak of. He is well adjusted, comfortable outside, playful – just a hoot.

Do you think you can help me find a temporary foster home for Pumpkin? Of course whomever takes him will have his food/toys/cage/vet visits taken care of.

Thank you for listening, and I look forward to hearing from you!!



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I wish I was in a position to help you!! I would in a minute. I didn't want to read and not respond. I hope you find a foster home for Pumpkin!
If you can get the bird and cage to me in Texas, and are willing to pay food and any necessary vet care, i.'ll be willing to do it, and you'll get your bird back in a year.

I've got a fair amount of large bird experience... Including M2's. My birds are like yours. They go out and about and play in trees. Sounds like be raise them similarly. The fact that he's in perfect feather says a lot about you. 7 out of 10 end up in horrible condition.

I think there are one or two people on this board that can vouch for me... And yes, I have fostered a few birds before... And given them back to their people...

How does your bird do in a flock setting?
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I'll vouch for Birdman. I only know him from online but he knows his stuff. I've read many of his posts. He would take excellent care of your bird and return him as promised.
I know if I needed to have someone off the forum watch Kiwi for an extended period, I would trust Birdman:) And trust me, I am VERY protective of my bird. He knows how to handle birds, keep them happy and keep them in line.
Hello and Welcome to the forum!

Your story is very touching. I really hope you can find a solution for you and your long time companion.

Please feel free to contact a moderator if you need us to pass along a private message to any of our members.
Hey there! I am willing to foster your baby for any amount of time. I work as a call center rep from home. I have two parrots, an IRN and a GCC. I also foster/petsit other animals (mostly birds). If I sit any animals I always keep them separated from my fids. I would do the same for yours. :) My babies are bird friendly and would be in the same room as yours if your fid is also friendly!
I have 10+ years of bird experience and about 4 years of 'Too experience. I am more than capable of caring for tame birds. I have a very large cage (fit for a Macaw) so you wouldn't have to drag yours here, if you didn't want.
I have multiple references that I am happy to give you!
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I'm sorry, posting personal information is against forum rules, this is for our members safety.

Any of the moderators will be happy to pass along private messages if the OP wishes to correspond with members.
Hannah Kelly
If I was you I would take Birdman666 offer. You would get you bird back the same has or better.
I too would vouch for Mark. His love of birds is obvious and he has an extensive fostering history.
If you can get the bird and cage to me in Texas, and are willing to pay food and any necessary vet care, i.'ll be willing to do it, and you'll get your bird back in a year.

I've got a fair amount of large bird experience... Including M2's. My birds are like yours. They go out and about and play in trees. Sounds like be raise them similarly. The fact that he's in perfect feather says a lot about you. 7 out of 10 end up in horrible condition.

I think there are one or two people on this board that can vouch for me... And yes, I have fostered a few birds before... And given them back to their people...

How does your bird do in a flock setting?

I think there are far more than one or two people on this board that will happily vouch for you, Mark. I'll add my vote.

This is an incredible offer from someone well qualified for the job. Not only will you get Pumpkin back, but he'll have excellent care while you're away. I know Texas isn't right next door to you, but I think transport to and from would be a small price to pay to have Mark foster your Pumpkin.
I vouch for Birdman too. I would totally and wholeheartedly trust him with any of my flock, to take care of, and return. His love of ALL parrots shines through! Good luck and keep us posted.
If you can get the bird and cage to me in Texas, and are willing to pay food and any necessary vet care, i.'ll be willing to do it, and you'll get your bird back in a year.

I've got a fair amount of large bird experience... Including M2's. My birds are like yours. They go out and about and play in trees. Sounds like be raise them similarly. The fact that he's in perfect feather says a lot about you. 7 out of 10 end up in horrible condition.

I think there are one or two people on this board that can vouch for me... And yes, I have fostered a few birds before... And given them back to their people...

How does your bird do in a flock setting?

I think there are far more than one or two people on this board that will happily vouch for you, Mark. I'll add my vote.

This is an incredible offer from someone well qualified for the job. Not only will you get Pumpkin back, but he'll have excellent care while you're away. I know Texas isn't right next door to you, but I think transport to and from would be a small price to pay to have Mark foster your Pumpkin.

100% agree!!:D
Hannah, you can not go wrong with trusting Mark with your baby. He always have sound advice, years of experience and an understanding of birds few people has. Any effort getting your bird to him will be more than worth it.
Can't think of a better person than Mark/birdman666 to help with your situation, even if Texas is a long way away I would see what you can do to make it happen. He's a huge asset to this community and i would trust him with my bird in a heatbeat.
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Wow, thank you for all the thoughtful responses, everyone! For so long I felt like I'd hit a wall, but now I've found all you folks who really care! I'll be in touch with those of you who are interested, thanks again!!! :)
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Thank you so much! In terms of a flock setting, I have never had more than one bird, so I couldn't say either way definitively. I think he is the kind of bird who would keep to himself and probably seek human attention. The woman who had him while I was in college had other birds, and she said he usually ignored them. No aggression problems.

I can drive him and his cage & perch out there and provide everything necessary.

As soon as I figure out how to send a private message (I have too few posts), we should be in touch! Thanks again!
Hannah, you can PM any of the moderators, and we'll be happy to forward any and all messages for you. :)

And Mark (Birdman) can PM you directly with his contact info.
Thank you so much! In terms of a flock setting, I have never had more than one bird, so I couldn't say either way definitively. I think he is the kind of bird who would keep to himself and probably seek human attention. The woman who had him while I was in college had other birds, and she said he usually ignored them. No aggression problems.

I can drive him and his cage & perch out there and provide everything necessary.

As soon as I figure out how to send a private message (I have too few posts), we should be in touch! Thanks again!

That sounds about right for an M2. My friend's M2 and greenwing sit out on a bird tree together, and spend the entire time pretending to ignore one another.

My daughter is the too fanatic in this household.

Well, I presently have five two macaws, two amazons, and a CAG... (had 11 at one point and time including Foster birds.) all are outside the cage birds.
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