Goldenfeast Blends


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2011
Yellow Collared Macaw
Do any of you use goldenfeast blends? I went to buy 32 pound bag and realized all blends have went up significantly. This is the second time they have went up the blend I buy went from 70 dollars to 100 to 116...Looking for other options
Wow. Maybe you can do better online. I often by birdfood via Amazon and usually find a very fair price, the food has had good dates and freshness. GF's website might offer something too.
Yes, I buy several different blends and mix them together, along with pellets.

Hmm...I just checked, and mine haven't gone up in price, but then again, I never buy the bulk sack either.
I would like to know too, since I use Goldenfeast. Did you see the bulk prices on Mysafebirdstore? Is it better for you?
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that is where i get my goldenfeast from mysafebirdstore it is all up in (bird paradise) has also gone up in price significantly. maybe the smaller sizes haven't went up I don't know I don't buy them but they looked like they had
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just talked to goldenfeast and they directed certain places to increase their prices so that other places could compete....That's so ridiculous lol
just talked to goldenfeast and they directed certain places to increase their prices so that other places could compete....That's so ridiculous lol

:eek: WOW. I actually find that quite distasteful. Their food is quite expensive to begin with. :mad:
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Yep 15 to 20 percent increase on bulk bags when a bag is already 100 bux or more...they told me to check,out cheaper blends and a did but they are full of sunflower seeds

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