Gollum played in the water today!


New member
Jul 18, 2015
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Saratoga Springs NY
Gollum - Senegal
Hatch Day- 5/8/15 &

Dobby- Indian Ringneck
Hatch Day- 7/16/15
He has not shown interest in water (for bathing) but I still alternate between misting him and using my kitchen sink as a shower for him at least every other day. He doesnt HATE it (by that I mean he doesnt show fear or aggression when I do it) but he either just stands there or attempts to walk away from the water. This morning I started the water and he started dunking his head under. At first he drank it, then started dunking his head, pulling it out, shaking his head, dunking again. He even put one foot at a time under the water.
Granted he didnt do a full on whole body bath but it is a start! So proud of him!
my lovebird used to hate water. i tried baths, taps, spraying he was just like "nopenopenopenope"

but now it is summer and whenever i enter the bathroom with him he runs down my arm to hop in the sink. birds never fail to surprise us :) he also gets this cool spiky hairdo after showers haha.
He has not shown interest in water (for bathing) but I still alternate between misting him and using my kitchen sink as a shower for him at least every other day. He doesnt HATE it (by that I mean he doesnt show fear or aggression when I do it) but he either just stands there or attempts to walk away from the water. This morning I started the water and he started dunking his head under. At first he drank it, then started dunking his head, pulling it out, shaking his head, dunking again. He even put one foot at a time under the water.
Granted he didnt do a full on whole body bath but it is a start! So proud of him!

Well that was his version of a bath... How sweet.
Since I have taken out the plastic water bottle... Gollum took a bath in her water bowl yesterday! Growing up!
That's great news! I thought you were calling Gollum a "she"? What happened?l lol
I still dont have the nerve to pluck a feather or cut a nail too short... I am such a WUSS! I go back and forth. I am trying to say she because I really think she is a she lol
I still dont have the nerve to pluck a feather or cut a nail too short... I am such a WUSS! I go back and forth. I am trying to say she because I really think she is a she lol

I've had to restrain and pull painful broken blood feathers out with pliers, give injections into the breast muscle, plucked feathers for dna, cut nails which commonly 'accidentally' get too short, and other unpleasant things before lol but I've had birds a long time, and these things happen after a while!

With Gollum at least, as a Senegal ages you will have indications with behavior and slight color. The head and beak are bigger on a male usually, but I know you don't have a comparison. It will become evident eventually, and if it doesn't we're here to help you figure it out ;) at least the name is unisex!
I've had to restrain and pull painful broken blood feathers out with pliers, give injections into the breast muscle, plucked feathers for dna, cut nails which commonly 'accidentally' get too short, and other unpleasant things before lol but I've had birds a long time, and these things happen after a while!

:52::52::52:You're much braver than I Julie! I would only "hurt" Kiwi if 100% necessary (i.e. a blood feather, or administering medication), but I just took the lady at her word when she said she had him DNA'd (that and his humping dance make me 100% sure;)). I don't think I'd have the heart to restrain him and pluck a feather or clip a nail too short on purpose either. My mom has never had the GCA or G2 tested for that reason, though their behaviors both point to male. The only reason she knows Lucy is a girl is because the poor thing got internally scoped after quarantine (before they had DNA):eek:
I've had to restrain and pull painful broken blood feathers out with pliers, give injections into the breast muscle, plucked feathers for dna, cut nails which commonly 'accidentally' get too short, and other unpleasant things before lol but I've had birds a long time, and these things happen after a while!

:52::52::52:You're much braver than I Julie! I would only "hurt" Kiwi if 100% necessary (i.e. a blood feather, or administering medication), but I just took the lady at her word when she said she had him DNA'd (that and his humping dance make me 100% sure;)). I don't think I'd have the heart to restrain him and pluck a feather or clip a nail too short on purpose either. My mom has never had the GCA or G2 tested for that reason, though their behaviors both point to male. The only reason she knows Lucy is a girl is because the poor thing got internally scoped after quarantine (before they had DNA):eek:

Robin was a trooper ;). It was scary about 10 years ago when he had bleeding broken feathers (large wing feathers) and I was alone and I had no choice. He was also panicked at the time from a night fright, which is how it happened. It was also awful when I learned I had to give my own injections to Robin. Raven's breeder told me about that before, and I thought to myself 'wow, I hope I never have to do that. I'm not a breeder so I probably won't ever have to'... Then lo and behold, I did have to. I was not going to drive 1/2 hour twice a day for a week not to mention pay for that. So I braced myself and did it (afterall, the vet made it look so easy when he showed me how). After a couple times it was fine, and Robin was totally fine with it each time :). What was hard was knowing where to place each injection and not on top of the last one, since it has to be like a zig zag pattern left/right each day from top to bottom. It was definitely hard to "stick" your baby for the first time, but I had no choice and I told myself 'just do it' and I knew Robin was a tough old boy anyway with all he'd been through in his long life.
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