Greenwing nap question


New member
Jun 24, 2013
Central Texas
Zio a greenwing macaw
Peach a turquoise green cheek conure
Rainbow a crippled green rump parrotlet with a big attitude
I have a new greenwing who is kind of timid and very sweet. My question is how much napping do they usually do? He has been napping a lot today and I am a bit worried. He is said to be 1 yr old but his band says tx11 so im thinking he's 2. I have only had him 6 days so I know he is adjusting to his new surroundings but I'm still worried. He is eating Mazuri just fine and saw the vet Friday for toenails and a fecal test and was declared very healthy by my vet. Should I be worried and call the vet or is this napping just his way of dealing with his new surroundings? I have a conure who is always busy so this is new for me.:red1:
Do you know if he slept well? In a new enviroment they may not feel completely secure and wake up at night to any noise or movement because everything is new.

As long as your greenwing is alert when awake, and not sleeping non stop, I wouldn't be worried. Maybe try putting him to bed a little earlier and see how he does tomorrow. My two usually take a good nap every afternoon whether they slept well or not.
Macaws, especially baby Macaws and they are still babies the first couple of years can certainly nap a lot. Our Macaws tend to get out a lot of energy within a short amount of time and are soon content and napping. It's always good to be weary and question anything you're not sure of, but I'm guessing your Macaw is napping for healthy reasons. However, with that being said, how much sleep is he getting each night? Is he getting about 12 hours of uninterrupted sleep? If not, he may be making up for lack of sleep and unfortunately the short naps they take during the day cannot make up for uninterrupted sleep at night.
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Well today I am not sure how he slept. I am a paramedic and I unexpectedly worked a 48 hour shift so I just got home this morning. My family had him out last night but I dont know if any of them stayed up really late. (I have teenagers). He is alert when awake and makes noise at me when I talk to him and I see that yesterday he mangled some wood toys so I know he has been active. He hasnt been alone, as someone is here most of the time. Im just used to my insane conure who plays all the time. I hope tjis is just adjustment time for him. I feel like a new parent again! I remember going in and just watching my daughters breathe when they were babies and now I feel like I need to watch him like a baby too. I already love him. We had a pair of greenwing breeders for years but not tame and outside so I dont know their habits. He lets me love on him and holds up his wing for scritching and is sweet and gentle but I came home expecting loud chaos and have had a lot of quiet at least ftom him. (Conure is always a wild thing). Right now he's eating and makes a growly macaw noise when I look at him or talk to him. Hopefully I am just a paranoid new parent ;?)
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I cover my parrotlet at night but my conure doesnt like it. I havent been covering Zio the macaw. Do you think he would sleep better covered? Otherwise his cage is in a corner, no dogs in the house etc. Trying to keep him from feeling scared while he gets to know us.
I think Zio may not be getting enough sleep yet because he's not 100% comfortable after only 1 week, and that's why he's napping so much.

My Ripley has only been with me for 5 months, and he, too, napped quite a bit in the beginning.

I cover mine at night, as my birds are located near the living room, and I don't want the TV keeping them up. The first night Ripley was here, and I gently put a cover over his cage, he flipped out and let out a few good screams, but after a week he knew what to expect. :)

Many congrats on brining Zio home, by the way. :) If you have a few pictures, we'd LOVE to see him.
I have owned a B&G macaw for 12 years and recently took on an amazon. Both take naps during the day. Where is your bird's cage located? Maybe a separate play area during the day and different room for sleeping and quiet time would be good.
Really any time spent up past sundown is going to cause a bird to sleep more the next day...a good night's rest for a parrot means sundown to sunrise. :)
Really any time spent up past sundown is going to cause a bird to sleep more the next day...a good night's rest for a parrot means sundown to sunrise. :)

I completely agree with this statement.

And both my birds will take a nap around noon, and again about 4. My birds sleep with their cages covered, one sleeps in my daughters room, and my Sennie sleep in a sleep cage in my bedroom. They both go to bed around 7:30-8.

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