Hand-feeding baby lovebirds ...


New member
May 20, 2007
British Columbia, Canada
Serenity & Pix and their kids Jade & Tango (Peachfaced Lovebirds) and Bonnie (Budgie)
okay, i have been looking at my options with regards to hand-feeding etc and i'd really love some opinions and feedback. has anyone here done it and if so have you had any problems ... anything i should know that 'they' don't tell you about ... any ideas or opinions on IF hand-feeding should even be done ... ? i have watched, and read about hand-feeding for months now (since the beginning of the year when they had their first round of eggs).
I would leave him with his parents for at least the first 3 weeks - So you don't have to do it as often- If possible I would call your vet up or a local breeder and see if you can bring the baby in and have them watch you first just to make sure you're ok with everything. Remember the temperature of the formula is very important!
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I have watched video after video on www.youtube.com, read a WHOLE lot in books and online and think I have it down pat, but I am just nervous about it I think.
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I have been giving it some serious thought and really I don't think it is the best route for me to go with these little babies. I will however hand raise them but not hand feed them. I think that would be the best for them. I am not experienced at all with this, and really really don't wanna harm these babies.
I was handfeeding Kito 2/3 feeds a day, and its not as easy as it looks on video's or books. Its hard work and your whole life changes, I've been handfeeding one way or another for many years, and I wouldn't want to do it with a very young baby, however that being said cirumstances can change, so that you may have to take over over the feeding. Keep an eye on how much the babies are being fed. Do you have a gram scale, it may be an idea to have one handy, so you can keep an eye on the weights of your babies.

Babies can wiggle about like no ones business. If ya need any more help with hand feeding just give me a shout I'll help out where I can. :D
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From what I have seen / read it is coming across far easier than I am being told it is and I reallly don't wanna hurt these babes. Momma bird and poppa bird seem to have the whole feeding the babies thing down pat.

I don't think there is any point messing with whats working unless they stop feeding them. If that does happen, then I will be needing ALLOT of your help Peta (and thank you for offering your knowledge :) ).

Oh, and I am working at getting pictures of the babies ... it's not an easy task though. Also I think there might be a third baby - not sure though, it was really hard to see this morning (don't know if one of the babies was on an egg, or if a third baby had hatched).

Oh, and something I want to ask ...

The nest box is at the top of the cage right now; should it be lower if I am keeping the babies in there so they don't fall or what have you ... I can lower it to the bottom of the cage so if the babies fall out (when they get a little older) then they won't fall very far at all (inches instead of feet).

Also, I plan on getting a gram scale in the next week or so (I need to get the money together - as I've said, tight budget here).
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(((Indigo))) ... I am inexperienced in this regard so I am useless :confused:

But, I just wanted to say that you are being so responsible in your research and reaching out to those "in the know" ... plus, your love for these lil ones is just gushing out (so very nice to see!)!

Good luck with the pics ... my digital camera is just so touchy, if anything moves even the slightest bit, everything is blurred :(
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awww hehehe ... thank you for that Deanna :)

How I see it is like this: we are given these little critters to take care of and it is our responsibility to do so to the absolute best of our ability. Where our ability lacks it is our duty (and should be expected) that we find the information to develop the ability. I don't take a critter in for the temporary, unless someone else can do better for the critter, and the critter do better with the other person. Perhaps I take it all too seriously, but I don't think it is really possible to do that when it comes to life.
... Perhaps I take it all too seriously, but I don't think it is really possible to do that when it comes to life.

No, hon, too many do not take it seriously enough. Life matters, of the utmost.
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That is true.

The thing I can't stand is seeing ads that say: "I need to get rid of my <fill in type of pet here> because <fill in lame excuse here>. Asking <enter absurd amount>. Getting rid of my <pet type> because my new boyfriend / girlfriend ( or my favorite - they got ANOTHER PET) does not like it."

I even feel angry typing that lol.

Oh and then there is the "I have no time for my 3 month old puppy" excuse. Uh, pardon me? Did you not know you work when you got the critter??????

I think all warning labels should be removed - natural selection.
Yup, yup ... agreement here!

In my business (as a community service) I offered adoption assistance to pets in need. I've heard many an excuse ... cried many a tear, too. It's enough to make you scream sometimes! *argh*
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Too bad slapping stupid people is illegal :D
**LAUGH OUT LOUD** I'm with ya on that one!!!!!!!
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We should begin the STIC .... Slap The Idiots Coalition ;)
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ok, I will send you your membership card, bumper sticker for your favorite idiot ("slap me, I'm stupid"), baseball cap, t-shirt and coffee mug lol
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ok, I will send you your membership card, bumper sticker for your favorite idiot ("slap me, I'm stupid"), baseball cap, t-shirt and coffee mug lol

OH MERCY ME!!! I've been soooooooooo serious (work stuff) this afternoon, reading this just cracked me to pieces!!! Thank you dahling!! LOL This is just great!
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t'hehehe ... life is far too short to not giggle every day :)
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yeah!!!!!!!!!! You're in!

*sets up a table with membership forms and all the free stuff*

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