Happy Campers/Part Deux


New member
Jun 25, 2007
Colorado, USA
Mojo the magnificent Maximillian Pionus; Cecil the clowny Senegal; and, Timothy the shy, fearful Parrotlet
LOL ... Okay, so Dan is forcing me to go camping tomorrow night. The nerve.

The guy at the camper place tells us it will take about 20 minutes to set up (or take down) the pop-up camper. Dan and I started to assemble it at 2:30 this afternoon. Guess when we got done? No, really ... guess!!!

6 o'clock in the evening!!! :eek: :rolleyes:

Mercy, 3 and 1/2 hours! That has got to be a record! And, it is now set up in our driveway (we had to set it up to get it loaded--which we are still in the process of). Iffen I had my druthers, we could just NEVER hitch the blasted thing up to the hitch on the 4Runner and just leave it stationary in the driveway! Run into the house to use the potty and all will be well! We won't have to take it out on the road and jack-knife it going at speeds of 70 MILES PER HOUR :eek: :eek: :eek:

Oi vey. This should be interesting ... You all are going to be missing out on a big adventure!

I'll take the camera and take pics when we get to our camping spot. It should be beautiful (I'll probably still be shaking, so the pictures will probably be blurry! LOL).

Sure you don't wanna come?? :D
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Can I come??? LOL I love camping

You are MORE than welcome to join us! Iffen you are brave enough to stay belted in the vehicle (helmets recommended but not required) during any and all back-up attempts! LOL :D
If I can't shower, and cook and poop with a roof over my head, I don't want to be there ... sorry, I'm not the outdoorsie type of guy ...
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If I can't shower, and cook and poop with a roof over my head, I don't want to be there ... sorry, I'm not the outdoorsie type of guy ...

Oh, Tex, you are gonna miss out on a LOT of fun! Swerving down the dirt road with the camper swaying against the grain of the 4Runner, me wetting my pants, doing triple-circle eights to back into our camp spot. Oh, golly jeepers, it'll be loads of fun!

The pottying part and can deal with (a bush will do me) ... but, the gettin' there's gonna be a beach! LOL
If I can't shower, and cook and poop with a roof over my head, I don't want to be there ... sorry, I'm not the outdoorsie type of guy ...

I'm exactly the same on this but I think I will make an exeption for you guys...:D

**running with suitcases to catch the flight**:D
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I'm exactly the same on this but I think I will make an exeption for you guys...:D

**running with suitcases to catch the flight**:D

pheob...we'll wait for ya! but don't forget your hard hat!!! LOL :D
Yeah same here I would miss my home comforts too much, just weighing up home comforts or the laugh, thats a hard one. :D
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LOL :D You guys are just way totally missing out on a hoot and holler! Late last night, still fumbling and bumbling with the camper refrigerator, I walked straight into a big rock (it was dark) and think I might have broken my toe!

I'm a clutz, for sure, but this rock did really come out of nowhere and smacked me right in the foot!

And, embarrassingly, we haven't even embarked on our camping trip yet! This happened in our driveway! Oh brother... :rolleyes: :eek:
Hey Anna I want you coming back in one piece. :D Now you just be carefull, ya hear me. :D
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We are running so far behind schedule, we've decided to postpone our actual first camping outing to next weekend. We have so much equipment to go through and so much to buy ... Christmas in August! LOL :D

I hobble when I walk :( ... my toe is black and purple and blue :eek: from the tip to the upper part of my foot. I really smacked that rock hard last night! :(

Peta, I'll try my best to come home next weekend without breaking anything else! LOL (((thank you))) ...
Hey Deanna I'm sorry for that little accident you had!Hope you can stand the pain and have a nice weekend after all!

And yes please do be carefull from now on ... :D

p.s. Unfortunately I lost the flight!:D Maybe next time!;)
For the record, I camped once... once for less than 24 hours.

Also for the record, I grew up spending my summers on a farm in Dutch Country PA (and yes, I can milk a cow and goat by hand).

All of that said, there is no way on God's green Earth you will ever willingly find me camping out for 'fun.' If I'm going to pay for 'fun' it's also darn well going to include four walls, a ceiling, a floor, and a working bathroom!!

There's a limit for me. I can endure when the stakes make it necessary but I have never, nor don't think I will ever, find it fun living among the wildnerness and trying to figure out whether this leaf or that leaf would be a better choice for toilet paper using only a flashlight for help. (That's a decision best left, if need be for after I've had a cup of coffee.)

At the same time, if the situation due to Mother Nature or God (or Mother Nature and God having an argument which ends up with a heap of bad weather with circumstances) I'll deal. Been there, done that already - but will not do so willingly or pay for the um, privilege.

Have a great time, though. Take loads of pictures!!

Oh Anna, I had this great big heart wrenching email all written out for ya, now I'm going to have to save it and send it next week. :D Take care of that foot hugs to ya. :)
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Oh Anna, I had this great big heart wrenching email all written out for ya, now I'm going to have to save it and send it next week. :D Take care of that foot hugs to ya. :)

oh gee, you're gonna make me wait a WHOLE week?? LOL (((hugs)))

I've been on my foot most of the afternoon and it looks like someone took a sledgehammer to it :eek: ... gonna kick back for the rest of the evening and keep it elevated. Gawd, I'm such a clutz!! LMAO! :D
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Hey Deanna I'm sorry for that little accident you had!Hope you can stand the pain and have a nice weekend after all!

And yes please do be carefull from now on ... :D

p.s. Unfortunately I lost the flight!:D Maybe next time!;)

Thanks pheob ... I'm just blind as a bat in the dark and that rock I swear sprouted wings and flew right into my foot! LOL :rolleyes:

Darn, you lost the flight :( ... are you sure you didn't just get, um, a little, um, scared?? :p ...I fully expect you to be at my house at the crack of dawn next Saturday morning for when we embark on our Maide Voyage in this monstrosity of a camper!

Hey...we bought all sorts of new and fun things for the camper today! It'll be like staying at the Hilton! :D (That is, if we make it to our destination in one piece ... but, DON'T LET THAT LITTLE COMMENT SCARE YA OFF PHEOB!!) (HUGS!) :eek:
Thanks pheob ... I'm just blind as a bat in the dark and that rock I swear sprouted wings and flew right into my foot! LOL :rolleyes:

Darn, you lost the flight :( ... are you sure you didn't just get, um, a little, um, scared?? :p ...I fully expect you to be at my house at the crack of dawn next Saturday morning for when we embark on our Maide Voyage in this monstrosity of a camper!

Hey...we bought all sorts of new and fun things for the camper today! It'll be like staying at the Hilton! :D (That is, if we make it to our destination in one piece ... but, DON'T LET THAT LITTLE COMMENT SCARE YA OFF PHEOB!!) (HUGS!) :eek:

I soooooo missed something. Either way I hope you're well, your fids are well... and regarding camping 'nuff said.

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Thus far, Iā€™ve been making much adu about the camper and hauling it (and, it does scare :eek: :eek: :eek: me to no end). But, I just wanted to share how excited I am about the prospect of getting back to the wild with Dan. We donā€™t, as a rule, stay in established campgrounds. We usually go off the beaten path and make our own way until we find the perfect, solitary spot. I havenā€™t done this in ages ā€¦ (my business pretty much made my personal and social life come to a screeching halt :( ).

It is so much fun and so relaxing. Wildlife abounds :smile015: ā€¦ I have decades of stories I could tell about our backcountry excursions. We have had elk and deer saunter into camp ā€¦ were visited by a skunk. Dan, accidentally, caught a bat :eek: on his flyfishing line on mid-cast in mid-air on the Green River years backā€”he was safely released with no harm. I have stories of Porcupines and Camp Robbers (Cananda Jay birds), incredible whitetailed deer, calling bull elk and being answered! Iā€™ve talked with a cow elk and her calf and had a chipmunk thump me on the head! In Yellowstone, we were visited by a Grizzly twice ā€¦ saw elk swim (first time in my life), and got to see the backcountry wolf enclosures (prior to release). Iā€™ve seen the most beautiful Rainbow trout, Cutthroat trout ā€¦ and BIG Brown trout. Little wiley Brookies, too. It is all amazing.

I am most definitely getting excited to be ā€œback in my elementā€ again ā€¦ I am Mountain Woman, Hear Me Roar! LOL :D
Ok Deanna!I'll be there!:D
After all that desription I can't miss this!I am a mountain man as well...I mean I love the sea but ok I've had enough of sea and hot days this year....

You scared me a little though...(about that grizzly bear :eek:, actually you scared the **** out of me:D)

Yellowstone.....I have loved it through lots of documentaries and definetely want to go there at some time...:D

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