Happy Thanksgiving from our flock to yours!


Staff member
Super Moderator
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Nov 22, 2015
Isle of Long, NY
Yellow Shoulder Amazon, Salty
The crew here at the good ship HMS Mueller wants to wish all of our ParrotForums friends, families and flocks a happy and safe Thanksgiving. You all have become a big part of life here, mine and Salty's in particular, and we want you all to know that! In this crazy year 2020 its been very important to maintain contact with friends and family by remote means, and this holiday will test and stretch that to the limits, but as the saying goes "This too shall pass". So enjoy yourselves, eat and drink responsibly, and be safe!

Don't forget to turn your bathroom scales back by 15 lbs on Wednesday at 1:00 AM for Thanksgiving!

From Al, Geri, Tinker and Salty
Right back at'cha Al!
Thanks for the bathroom scales reminder!! I forget every year!

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.”
– Melody Beattie
I’m going overboard this year and might not survive all the cooking. (Doing a whole hog in La Caja China.)

Family still coming over, 15 of us total, which is still legal in Florida.
Happy Thanksgiving Al, Geri, Salty, and Tinker!! The very best advice for a healthy and best compromised holiday.

So right about re-setting bathroom scales! The period from Thanksgiving to New Years is a continuous food-fest!
In the pre-dawn darkness, our local flock of turkeys came to honor HRH prior to going into hiding for the next few days... Julio provided comment from on-high and they quickly moved-off to the Pine stand North of here.

With the local flock safe, the Boats' family wishes each of you a Wonderful Thanksgiving!

With so much not to be thankful for, with easy, we have been able to quickly put together a list longer than a normal year. Point being, there are always wonderful things happening, it only requires one to STOP and take note.

Enjoy the Wonders of Thanksgiving!
Thanks, everyone. Thanksgiving blessings to us all. Parrot Forums Forever.
Happy Thanksgiving to All!
Happy Thanksgiving to Al & everyone!
Today I give thanks for you all, and for the wisdom, laughter and happiness you have brought to my life.


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