Happy To Join The Group!


New member
Aug 17, 2015
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Hello everybody….I am looking forward to being a part of this forum.

My name is Rose but everybody at work calls me 'Aunt Rose' so I will use that signature here. :)

I am retiring this fall and just got a new bird buddy a couple weeks ago (A Sun Conure I named Taffy).

Taffy is settling in his new home nicely and he is really warming up to me. I have owned a Sun Conure before and I know what to expect in the way of noise. :roll eyes: If I get desperate I can always take out my hearing aids!

Here is a photo of my little Taffy:

Welcome, glad you have the Sun experience already. When my daughter used to do the pet shop job, there were so many first time bird folks that wanted a Sun, 'Oh so pretty"
Lol I wanted a sun - and then I met a sun! Many would say that about the ringneck though...
In all seriousness, they seem like wonderful, snuggly little clowns.
Welcome :)
Welcome, Rose and Taffy! So glad you joined us. Taffy is adorable, what a sweet little face. you'll be great companions in no time.
Welcome :)! Taffy looks like a sweet bird. Looking forward to hearing your adventures with your new buddy!
Welcome! Suns are gorgeous!
Hey welcome to the forum! Taffy is adorable!
wow what a beautiful bird!
Thanks for the welcome everybody.

Flboy and itchyfeet…..yes Sun Conures do take some getting used to and many people first look at how colorful the bird is and not thinking of the personality and noise that goes along with those 'pretty feathers'.

My first Conure was a noisy fellow but it didn't bother me as much as it did my Hubby. But now I have a dedicated bird room where Taffy can go when he is not out with me. I think Hubby appreciates that!
Hi Rose and welcome! Taffy is gorgeous, I SO love Sun conures;)
I'm so glad you joined us and I look forward to hearing more about Taffy:)
Congrats on your upcoming retirement!
Hi Terry….thank you.

So glad to connect with another bird lover who is retired. I am so excited to have more time on my hands. I can finally start building up my bird family and hope to find a Boston Terrier in a year or two. I have been wanting one for oh so many years!
Definitely time to treat yourself!
Boston Terriers are awesome:)
What other birds are you thinking of adding to the family?
What other birds are you thinking of adding to the family?

Oh boy…that is a tough question as I have so many on my list but I am going to go slowly do my research and try my best not to go overboard. Is that even possible when a person loves birds so much? ;)

I would like to get a Pineapple Green Cheek Conure and also like Lovebirds (I have had them before and love their vibrant personalities.) A couple of Budgies would be fun to as I love their chatter and they were my very first bird when I was little. And maybe throw in a few Finches just for fun!

So I will have fun dreaming and planning to fill my aviary with joyful noise! :)

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