Hello all!


New member
Jan 8, 2024
Perth, Western Australia
28 and Galah
Hi everyone! I've just recently acquired two parrots and thought it would be a good idea to join up for advice and tips from the masters! I volunteer at a wildlife rehab centre in Perth Australia, and the parrots both were saved from euth but have disabilities. Australian Ringneck (28) is blind in one eye and galah has a large cyst on one wing which means she will never fly (it's non painful and doesn't interfere with everyday life). Plan was for the Wildlife centre to keep them for educational purposes but DBCA said no so I'm giving them a long and *hopefully* happy life with me! I've never had birds before but always wanted, was just the right timing. Both have outside time everyday, in the afternoon during the week and with breakfast on the weekends, but are generally inside birds. They each have their own cage while they try to become friends, currently tolerating each other but not BFF's by any stretch of the imagination 🤣

I do training everyday for as long as I can keep their attention, both still very young so doesn't take much for something else to occupy their fancy. Both very tame and loving, in their own ways. 28 interaction is on their own terms and galah is like 'just give me scritches already' 🤣

Thanks for having me, looking forward to chatting to you!
Hi everyone! I've just recently acquired two parrots and thought it would be a good idea to join up for advice and tips from the masters! I volunteer at a wildlife rehab centre in Perth Australia, and the parrots both were saved from euth but have disabilities. Australian Ringneck (28) is blind in one eye and galah has a large cyst on one wing which means she will never fly (it's non painful and doesn't interfere with everyday life). Plan was for the Wildlife centre to keep them for educational purposes but DBCA said no so I'm giving them a long and *hopefully* happy life with me! I've never had birds before but always wanted, was just the right timing. Both have outside time everyday, in the afternoon during the week and with breakfast on the weekends, but are generally inside birds. They each have their own cage while they try to become friends, currently tolerating each other but not BFF's by any stretch of the imagination 🤣

I do training everyday for as long as I can keep their attention, both still very young so doesn't take much for something else to occupy their fancy. Both very tame and loving, in their own ways. 28 interaction is on their own terms and galah is like 'just give me scritches already' 🤣

Thanks for having me, looking forward to chatting to you! View attachment 57122View attachment 57123View attachment 57124
Oh they are BEAUTIFUL!! Welcome aboard to you and your sweet babies (tee hee, love the bit about "just give me scritches already!!") Don't forget to tell us their names, will you? Looking forward to seeing them grow up and flourish with you! 😍😍
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Oh they are BEAUTIFUL!! Welcome aboard to you and your sweet babies (tee hee, love the bit about "just give me scritches already!!") Don't forget to tell us their names, will you? Looking forward to seeing them grow up and flourish with you! 😍😍
Thank you ❤️ I'm yet to name them, this all happened rather quickly lol. Galah is def a girl (based on eyes), I'm thinking I'll DNA sex the 28 when I microchip or the next feather comes out and decide then. For now 28 is 'bubbles' and galah is 'sweetie' 🤣🤣
Thank you ❤️ I'm yet to name them, this all happened rather quickly lol. Galah is def a girl (based on eyes), I'm thinking I'll DNA sex the 28 when I microchip or the next feather comes out and decide then. For now 28 is 'bubbles' and galah is 'sweetie' 🤣🤣
Awwwwwwwwwwww ... "Bubbles" and "Sweetie" work for me!! 💖
Easy to remember 😆 What kind of birb is that in your avatar?
That would be my Lilly Pilly, who was tragically lost to me in January 2022. She was a purple-crowned lorikeet, and my little "heart bird". 💝

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