Hello all :)


New member
Dec 4, 2015
I am a Military Macaw owner of one year. She is my first parrot and is 11 years old now and is a very beautiful bird! I do need some help though as I believe she has been abused all of her life and I'm not sure what to do from here. I'll wait for someone to tell me where to post my concerns as I am new to this sight as well. <p>Thank you in advance :)
Welcome to the Parrot Forums.

There is a ton of information in the Macaws Forum that you will find very helpful. Please take the time to read the first three Threads (Noted in Light Blue), they will provide a solid base of information regarding your MAC.

Please also take the time to list your location as it maybe come important should a question of yours require information specific to your location. Your, State is fine.

Information specific to your MAC would be better provided on the MAC Forum. 'General' items under their topic.

Hello and welcome to the forums!
Welcome to the forums! There are many Macaw parronts and plenty of specialty threads to view!
Welcome Idaho 34842 and your Military Macaw hope you enjoy the forum and get lots of helpful tips ...macaws are Beautiful :)
Welcome! I'm new here, too, but I can already tell you... this place is the BEST... for encouragement, information, and community.
I knew a Military once. Possibly the most mischievous macaw I ever met. He had endless vigilance and patience to wait for the nano-second when he could do his naughties!
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Thank you everyone :) I'll have to get on my desktop to view forums as my phone is just way too small lol
Hello and welcome to the forum!
I'm so glad you joined us:)

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