Hello from Canada


New member
Jan 2, 2015
Sun conure named Lemon (nickname Moonie) hatched August 28, 2014, BFA Professor Green hatched August 22, 2014, Macaw Flash hatched Sept 15, 2007
Hello everyone. I have been a member of these forms for a few months but I don't think I ever actually posted in this section. I am happy to say I have a wonderful little sun conure named Lemon. He is almost 7 months old and I've had him since he was five months old. I must say he is an amazing little guy. I don't know if all sun conures are this great but my little guy is absolutely wonderful! He is so smart and has learned so many tricks so quickly some in as little as two minutes and the harder ones took about 12 to 15 minutes and I'm talking just one session. He also loves to play with his toys and cuddle and is very interested in absolutely every single thing that I want to put my hands on. He has also started trying to talk. He says step up but of course in a very sun conure voice and will laugh when we laugh and make kissing noises as well. He also tries to say something else but I can't figure out if it's "hi" but it sure sounds like it. Currently I am in the process of harness training and I hope that goes well. He is a pretty hyper active little guy to be able to slip on one of those harnesses but I am very hopeful. I'm not sure what else to say but that I have already learned so much from many of you people on here just by browsing through a lot of the forums. Seems like a really great community and I'm happy to be part of it. Looking forward to chatting about our birds in the future!
Glad to see another Canadian! Welcome to the forums and congrats on having an adorable sun :)
Welcome to the forum! I am very happy to see another canadian as well :)
Hello there and a slightly delayed Welcome! Glad to see you posting! Lemon sounds like a real sweetie. Of course, now we want to see photos of your little beauty! :)
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Thanks everyone. By the way Dinosrawr, we are neighbors as I am in Edmonton, Alberta:). Allee, I tried to post some pictures but I couldn't really figure out how to attach more than one at a time. Every time I go to the uploader to attach another picture it just replaces one with the other. And when I previewed my post my picture was sideways. As soon as I have it figured out I will post some pictures!
What a little doll! I absolutely love the colors.
And welcome to the forums! I'm pretty new myself, but so happy to see another Canadian! :p

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