Hello from Oklahoma!


New member
May 2, 2015
None yet...but that is about to change 😊
I am so happy to have found this forum. I am currently doing a heck of a lot of research before I get my first (in a long time, anyway) bird. Any advice will be greatly appreciated! I have my heart set on an Eleonora cockatoo 😊 I have the patience and I have the time. And pretty soon, I will have the bird, too!

Thank you in advance!
Hello and welcome! I love it when people are doing their research prior to getting their FID:)
I'm so glad you joined us!
Hi there, Welcome to the forum!

Just guessing here, but it sounds like you met at least one Too and fell hopelessly in love? The Eleanora's are lovely! Glad you're doing lots of research, you'll be so glad you did. Have you had the opportunity to hear them scream when they turn the volume all the way up? You may also want to look at the large number of Toos taken in by rescues and sanctuaries before you make your final decision.

Best of luck to you, looking forward to updates.
You just missed a large bird fair in the Tulsa area. I wouldn't get a bird from one, but you can find either great prices or great ideas on toys and play stands. I believe they will have another in the fall that I plan to attend, as I missed their spring show. Good luck with your search for a new fid.
Hello and welcome!

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