Hello from SoCal


New member
Jul 25, 2007
Just dropped in to take a look around.

My wife and I currently have an 8 year old Hahn's macaw and are awaiting the weaning of our new TAG. We strongly love animals, and have had dogs, cats and fish; and of course we love our little girl. She is pretty and green:)

Currently we reside in Riverside County, in southern California.

Have a good one all!
High and Welcome to ya,

We strongly love animals, and have had dogs, cats and fish; and of course we love our little girl. She is pretty and green:)

You've come to the right place, we are all crazy bout our animals.

I look forward to hearing all about your Hahns and your TAG, and we do love pics here so post away. What is your Hahns name? I'm sure you'll have great fun here, we all do, and if ya need anything then just cry out and someone will be along to help ya out. :D
Welcome!! :04:

This is a very nice community of folks ... who, like you, love their animals tremendously. Very knowledgeable and quite friendly! Got Pics? :D

I've got lovebirds and a budgie (and a dog and 2 cats and a fish and a snail and a few spiders throughout the house). I'm also hoping to move to Long Beach in the next number of months. Welcome welcome!
Hey, I'm friendly -- most days! ;)

And Indigo is right, we are all REAL NICE around here ... *turing to Indigo* Indigo, hun, get off my lap please!
:eek: ... oh my ... :eek: **Deanna is mortified**
*winks at Tex, blows him a kiss and finds her own spot to sit*

Just for the record, I tend to be a bit of a flirt. :D :rolleyes:
*Deanna straightens her skirt and blouse
*Deanna clears her throat
*Deanna passes out ... :eek:
Yea, what Peta said, and modest and reserved and stuff. Yup, don't listen to those telling you we aren't. :04: :D :04: :D :04: :D :04: :D :04: :D
|Welcome SoCal looking forward to seing pics of all your animals. the more the better we love them...competition from Bucc and Hamlet thee most photographed birds on the forum.they have celeb status
Yeah and they sure act like the celebs (well my lot anyway)

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