Help sexing budgie


New member
Sep 1, 2021
Iā€™m hoping to get some help identifying what sex one of our budgies is, Louie or lulu depending on what colour the cere is that week was our first budgie, weā€™ve had him/her over a year now, breeder thought she was a girl, when we purchased our next two that particular breeder thought she was actually a him, and given one of our girl budgies has been obsessed with him/her since day one I thought this must be correct. The other two budgies who are six months younger than Louie developed very obvious coloured Ceres very early on, where as Louie has at times looked female, then male, and now he looks half and half šŸ˜‚

There has been a bit of ganging up going on, and I think the dynamic of three is not working and I need to add another one to even out the numbers but without knowing what Lou is I donā€™t know what sex of budgie to add


  • C25226E2-655B-46AC-ABF8-49762012915F.jpeg
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Hi Laura Ellis,

I believe you have a female budgie there. The pale blue is common for immature females and half brown cere is a sign she is entering sexual maturity. The nose will eventually turn brown. :)
Huh, I've never seen those mix of colors before. This isn't my link but i always advise people to work on learning it by themselves. It's useful information to have anyways :) What i would say is go around on peoples posts look at pictures like this and try to figure it out. Just don't say you're 100% sure and 99% nobody is going to care. :)


  • A-budgies-sex-difference-with-color-differences-on-their-ceres-300x134.jpg
    11 KB · Views: 144
Oh my goodness... I've never seen this before! I have a female budgie that I couldn't figure out the sex of for a while, so I know a little about what the ceres look like.. but this is just wow- a split sex indeed!!
Iā€™m hoping to get some help identifying what sex one of our budgies is, Louie or lulu depending on what colour the cere is that week was our first budgie, weā€™ve had him/her over a year now, breeder thought she was a girl, when we purchased our next two that particular breeder thought she was actually a him, and given one of our girl budgies has been obsessed with him/her since day one I thought this must be correct. The other two budgies who are six months younger than Louie developed very obvious coloured Ceres very early on, where as Louie has at times looked female, then male, and now he looks half and half šŸ˜‚

There has been a bit of ganging up going on, and I think the dynamic of three is not working and I need to add another one to even out the numbers but without knowing what Lou is I donā€™t know what sex of budgie to add

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