Hi everyone

Aussie Ben

New member
Jun 8, 2010
South Australia
I live down in Australia with Eddie (RS Ekkie) and Buddy (cockatiel). I have always loved parrots. I bought Buddy about 7 years ago while still in high school. I actually trained her as part of a project (good excuse to spend more time with her ;) ). We are great friends now. Originally I was told she was a boy but woops, some years later out popped an egg! I grew more passionate about birds and eventually picked up Eddie in early 2007, and what a bundle of fun he has been. Both my birds are flighted and enjoy flying around the house and on the back veranda. I love my birds, their funny antics always bring a smile to my face, even on the worst days.

I used to be in another forum but got distracted and drifted away somewhat. But I’m back and looking forward to learning even more about these awesome little creatures.

Hope to get to know some of you and your birds,
Hi there Ben, welcome to the forum! This is a fabulous community; it's full of people who are ready to help, and have some fun talking about birds. Have a look around, there's plenty to learn!

Pleased to meet you, Eddie, and Buddy. Sure sounds like one big happy 'flock'. Eddie is so beautiful, I love his vibrant colors. Keep up the awesome care!
Welcome Ben to you and your feathered family. I agree with you they bring so much fun into our lives
Hey Ben, you sure have come to the right place, welcome and enjoy.
Such friendly members, (all bird crazy people LoL)
Glad you finding your way around, so much to learn and share with one another.
PS Rule No 1 : WE LOVE SHARING PICTURES so start clicking
Hi Ben , from another fellow aussie in Sydney. I have a male ekky, yours looks very cute too, they all are ! Good to see more aussies joining :)

Hi Ben and welcome to the forum! I have Ekkie's too...love them! :) Your birds sound lovely!
Here is one more welcome. You live in the land of pretty birds for sure. I may soon get a rescue tiel. Any suggestions on their care?
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Thanks for the warm welcome all.

Here is one more welcome. You live in the land of pretty birds for sure. I may soon get a rescue tiel. Any suggestions on their care?

Spiritbird, I sure feel lucky to live here, I could name at least 8 parrot species that live just out my front door:).

So glad to hear you might be getting a tiel and think it’s great that you’re considering a rescue. Do you know how old it is, or what mutation it is? I don’t know what to tell you really, tiels are the best little birds and bond very well. I’m not an expert by any means, but I can tell you that mine is a fussy eater. She won’t touch many foods other than her favourites which are broccoli, peas and green beans and her absolute favourite…corn. They devour seed mixes so watch how much you give him because they love to overeat and they are very prone to obesity. Some years ago life got real busy and I actually got a little slack with measuring her food out. She became overweight and actually had trouble flying. I managed to get her to lose the weight and get back to her normal self, luckily there were no medical complications (lesson learned though). But really try to watch their intake of fatty foods. I’ve been converting Buddy over to a crumbles mix which is working… slowly, they are hard to convert.

Tiels are quite easy to train and respond well to head scritches and yummy treats. Mine is not trick trained anymore, but I used to have her potty trained, flying on cue and waving. She doesn’t like to come out as much anymore (ever since I almost lost her about two years ago, that’s another story and a scary one) But when she does venture out she loves nothing more than to spend time with me and fall asleep on my shoulder. They can be very cuddly birds if they are tamed properly. I suppose all this will depend on what your little rescue is like and how he was treated at his last home. Sorry for rambling, I hope this gives some insight. Let us know how it all goes.
Oh thank you so much for sharing your experiences. This is the best way to learn. Do they eat pellets? I feed Harrisons to my grey and would want continue that. I have no idea about the history of the bird I will get after I move. The Baily foundation has about 30 of them needing homes now as you can see from my other post. As far as the type I have my request in for a white one, pied one, silver or laced winged. I also have the job of introducing this new bird to my only FID Rosie a grey Timneh. She is a spoiled little love. Thanks again AB.
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No Worries
I agree, this is the best way to learn, which is why I have come back to the forum world.

I have heard of some tiels eating pellets. I've been converting buddy to a crumbles mix, which is basically just small crumbly pellets that are more suited to their size. Its taken a loooong time, but I'm now at about 70%crumbles 30%seed in her dry food bowl.

I'll be interested to hear how the introduction goes with Rosie (Who BTW is looking very happy and healthy in those photos). I have been too scared to get my two birds together. They are both as sweet as pie, but Eddie's beak is as big as buddy's head, so I just get worried. They talk to each other from their cages though, not to mention mimic each other.

All the best
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Yes you do have big and little birds. I went to my bird club meeting today and took Rosie for the first time and she handled it well. She heard and saw several birds quiet and noisy big and little. There were two Eccies there for adoption. Male and female. I loved the F best as she was quiet and would step up for anyone that asked her. I had a hard time getting her off my shoulder. I also held a tiel for the first time and did not realize how very delicate that are. I will at some point go to see foster mom who has all these birds. About 27 in her home now.

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