Hi everyone


New member
May 19, 2017
Sydney, Australia
Josie - pineapple GCC and Hiccup - rose crowned conure
Hi guys,
Just wanting to say hi. After having cockatiels for years and budgies growing up, I recently purchased a pineapple GCC (a Mother's Day gift to myself from my husband and little boys). Her name is Josie and she's gorgeous. I'm a teacher and she comes into work with me during the week and has lots of time outside of her cages, both at work and at home. My two sons and my students all adore her. She's about 4 months old now. I'm assuming she's a she, haven't tested yet and don't plan to unless it becomes important later. She eats fresh veggies and fruits and the occasional seed mix. Likes to spend most of her time on my shoulder, under my neck or staring at herself in the toaster. I've been reading through this website and am amazed with how much everyone really loves their parrots. Thought I was the only crazy bird lady. Good to know there's actually a community of us. :p
Welcome to the forums, thanks for joining! You'll find a global community of like-minded members, eager to share and learn.

Josie seems exceptionally well socialized and is the ideal avian good-will ambassador to your students! How wonderful to have the ability to bring her to class! I can only imagine how difficult this would be in the U.S. accounting for district concerns for safety, contagion, allergies, etc!!
Welcome, and congratulations.

I love GCCs... I want one! But I have to enjoy them through y'all here.

Pictures, please!
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Yes she's certainly changed my life for the messier. The kids at school are very good with her. When they are working, she sits on their shoulders and nibbles their uniforms. They are learning patience and to be quiet and mindful around her. Many kids stay behind after school to have a cuddle with her and I take photos and send them to their parents. She's a lovely, calming addition to the classroom. I'm slightly worried that her sweet and gentle nature will disappear when she reaches maturity but I'll just have to wait and see.
Welcome, and congratulations.

I love GCCs... I want one! But I have to enjoy them through y'all here.

Pictures, please!

I think I have seen you say this about every single breed/species/flavor of parrot. Is there one you *don't* want? [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

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