I got 2 budgies


New member
Nov 12, 2023
2 budgies
Hi everyone I'm new here, I got two little budgies 3 days ago, one male and one female. i tried to tamed my male budgie in the cage, because he was more comfortable with me, but when i opened the cage a little bit, the female find a way to escape. I was panicking a little bit because i was afraid she will hurt herself, she was flying in my room and it takes a few minutes for my mom to catch her. i'm afraid now maybe i scared her and she won't trust me anymore :/ i only have them for 3 days now, i'm gonna try to gain their trust, do you have any advices ?
Hi everyone I'm new here, I got two little budgies 3 days ago, one male and one female. i tried to tamed my male budgie in the cage, because he was more comfortable with me, but when i opened the cage a little bit, the female find a way to escape. I was panicking a little bit because i was afraid she will hurt herself, she was flying in my room and it takes a few minutes for my mom to catch her. i'm afraid now maybe i scared her and she won't trust me anymore :/ i only have them for 3 days now, i'm gonna try to gain their trust, do you have any advices ?
Congrats on your new birds!

Usually, if the birds were not hand-raised from hatch date, they are skittish like yours are. Youtube may be of a big help, but these are the basics of gaining trust:

You may want to let your birds settle in first, which will take about a week or two. during this time, dont try to touch them or anything. just change their water, food and tray regularly.

after 2 weeks, they may adjust. this is where you must start interacting; Like sitting near the cage and talking to them as you gently place you hands against the cage walls, or placing millet spray in your hands and try to feed it to them by placing your hand inside the cage slowly. You must repeat this again and again until they are used to it. But remember, never persuade the bird or chase the bird around it's cage. this will break your progress and can cause stress, which can have bad impacts on the bird's overall health.

to get the bird to get used to people, keep the cage in a place were your family or you usually are in. but make sure you put the cage in a corner where at least one side of the cage is facing the wall, this will make them feel secure.

remember that All budgies have different personalities. So some may take many months, maybe years to be tame.

Hope this helps~!
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Congrats on your new birds!

Usually, if the birds were not hand-raised from hatch date, they are skittish like yours are. Youtube may be of a big help, but these are the basics of gaining trust:

You may want to let your birds settle in first, which will take about a week or two. during this time, dont try to touch them or anything. just change their water, food and tray regularly.

after 2 weeks, they may adjust. this is where you must start interacting; Like sitting near the cage and talking to them as you gently place you hands against the cage walls, or placing millet spray in your hands and try to feed it to them by placing your hand inside the cage slowly. You must repeat this again and again until they are used to it. But remember, never persuade the bird or chase the bird around it's cage. this will break your progress and can cause stress, which can have bad impacts on the bird's overall health.

to get the bird to get used to people, keep the cage in a place were your family or you usually are in. but make sure you put the cage in a corner where at least one side of the cage is facing the wall, this will make them feel secure.

remember that All budgies have different personalities. So some may take many months, maybe years to be tame.

Hope this helps~!
thanks you for your response! i feel i little bit guilty that i let her outside not gonna lie, but i'm gonna put efforts to gain their trust because i only have good intentions towards them !
thanks you for your response! i feel i little bit guilty that i let her outside not gonna lie, but i'm gonna put efforts to gain their trust because i only have good intentions towards them !
ofcourse, all bird owners have good intentions toward their little babies. Trust me, this period of waiting and patience is going to be sooo worth it~! have a great journey with your little budgies! ❤️
If a budgie escapes in the future, turn out the lights. They have small eyes and not great night vision. So they will stop and allow you to capture and return. You may already no this but if you don't hope this helps. Also with lights out the let you pet them more for same reason. Maybe scary but I've had mine for a while and they will literally step up in the dark and go to cage.
If a budgie escapes in the future, turn out the lights. They have small eyes and not great night vision. So they will stop and allow you to capture and return. You may already no this but if you don't hope this helps. Also with lights out the let you pet them more for same reason. Maybe scary but I've had mine for a while and they will literally step up in the dark and go to cage.
Just wanted to add to this; make sure they are perching on something before you turn out the lights or they might crash into something.
I second the lights-off technique! It has saved my bacon on several occasions! I use a small hand towel and gently wrap them up in it as soon as the lights are off.
thanks you for your response! i feel i little bit guilty that i let her outside not gonna lie, but i'm gonna put efforts to gain their trust because i only have good intentions towards them !
Many times I have accidentally let budgies of mine out of their cages when they should not yet be free flying around my house. It happens to everyone so don't feel bad or guilty. Just be glad she didn't get hurt.
YES TRY TO MAKE SURE THEY ARE STATIONARY BEFORE LIGHTS ARE OFF! Also if they do fly turn lights on again till they land again.
You are a great bird owner and have the right attitude for taking care of your budgies- keep up the good work and don’t give up!😊❤️
Hi everyone I'm new here, I got two little budgies 3 days ago, one male and one female. i tried to tamed my male budgie in the cage, because he was more comfortable with me, but when i opened the cage a little bit, the female find a way to escape. I was panicking a little bit because i was afraid she will hurt herself, she was flying in my room and it takes a few minutes for my mom to catch her. i'm afraid now maybe i scared her and she won't trust me anymore :/ i only have them for 3 days now, i'm gonna try to gain their trust, do you have any advices ?

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