Hi! Q/A


New member
Jul 22, 2017
Hello! My name is Ahona :white1: I've been reading some of the posts in this forum for a long time, and I think I really want a pet Cockatoo!
I can give the Too the care it requires. I know they are sensitive and emotional birds that'll go ballistic if you leave them alone. I also know that owning a Too is like having a toddler for 70+ years:) but I'm fine with it, tbh
So, I'll begin by introducing myself:
1. I'm Ahona, a 13-year-old bird lover (PLEASE DON'T DISCOURAGE ME DUE TO MY AGE, LIKE PLEASEEEEE)
2. I come from Bangladesh

I've been fascinated with Toos since my childhood. The first time I ever saw one was in an episode of Hannah Montana. That's where my love of Toos began.
I really need some advice, though. I'll be able to take good care of the Too. I've interacted with them MANY times (only sulphurs) But...

1) I'm gonna keep them in an outdoor aviary (not while they're babies, tho) and I'll bring them in during the day so that we can bond. Is this okay?

2) Do Toos get along with cats, chinchillas, sugar gliders and guinea pigs? The only animals that are gonna be out most of the time are the cats (ragdoll and turkish angora, very sweet-tempered).

3) What sort of Too would you recommend for me? I REALLY want a MM (who doesn't? lmao) but I heard that they're aggressive af.

4) All MM owners: what are the pros and cons of MM ownership? Please share your experiences

5) Are yellow-crested Toos good pets?

6) Are Galahs good pets?

7) I saw this vid and I wonder if MMs and Galahs get along...

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfxCHj2I7sQ"]Preening cockatoos - YouTube[/ame]

Anyways thnx :40::40::40:
Hi and welcome.

I am sorry to rain on your parade but I do think you are too young for this type of commitment. Your life can change such a lot over the next 10 years, do you know exactly where you will be and what you will be doing? MM, wow you certainly aim high LOL?

Have you visited this site? https://www.mytoos.com/

2) Do Toos get along with cats, chinchillas, sugar gliders and guinea pigs? The only animals that are gonna be out most of the time are the cats (ragdoll and turkish angora, very sweet-tempered). No bird should be mixed with any of these. You risk injury and/or illness.

If you care for parrots as much as you say you do then you should wait BUT you could go see if there are any parrot rescues that would welcome some extra help on a regular basis. You get to mix with parrots and learn much for when the time is right to take the plunge and look for that feathered lifetime companion.
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Welcome to the forums, Ahona!!

It is easy to fall in love with cockatoos and want one or more as companions, but in reality they are challenging and hard work. All About Cockatoos - MyToos.com is a brutal reality check for what can happen once the honeymoon wears off. You can also read many threads in our cockatoo section for less dramatic opinions. I would recommend first reading all you can and volunteering at a sanctuary or whatever local shelters are available in Bangladesh. Seems bird watching is very popular!


Not a good idea to mix parrots with other animals such as cats and the others specified. High risk of injury and disease transmission to birds!

I am not familiar with the MM, but there are no natural alliances between parrot species. Some get along with others, some do not. I've mixed Goffins with Citrons, Moluccans, and a Timneh with no problem. It comes down to their personalities and sometimes competing affections for their humans.

Good luck, let us know what you decide! You may decide to begin with smaller birds and eventually achieve your dreams!
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I'm afraid I don't think you should get a cockatoo either and a big part of this is because of your age.

I know this is clearly not what you want to hear, you made that clear in your post. However, if you feel this is a good forum to get informed trustworthy advice from, why won't you listen when everyone (so far) has said you are too young? Which it seems you were expecting anyway. If you trust the source of information you can't pick and choose what you pay attention to and ignore what you don't like - well, actually you can of course do that, but it's not a good idea.

I think cockatoos are wonderful creatures, but I'm not sure anyone should have them as pets/companion birds. The sacrifices required are huge and it takes an adult, with life experience and a particular lifestyle (e.g. not in full-time work, but still financially able to take on a 'too) to be able to make that decision.
Hey, Ahona! First, let me say the world always needs new cockatoo lovers! I'm happy to see you asking questions, please continue to research.

Youth is a one time experience, enjoy every second! Thirteen is so very young. Adopting a Too is like adopting a perpetual toddler, it's also extremely expensive and time consuming. Why would you want to become a parent at such a young age? My U2 is more challenging to care for than any pet I've ever shared my home with. Look into any large rescue, you'll meet lots and lots of Toos, living testimony of how hard it is to make it work.

All About Cockatoos - MyToos.com
The awful truth about Toos, read it more than once.

You could have fun and learn a lot volunteering at a rescue.
We're not saying you aren't responsible enough to care for a cockatoo, it's just that your brain is still developing. I recently took a course on animal minds and emotions, and it talked about the development of the brain and whatnot. Wait until you're 20, and the structures and chemicals within your brain will be... Forgot what I was going to say. But a mature brain can handle stress much better than a developing brain. A developing brain is constantly being bombarded with hormones and chemicals, and it causes animals (human and non-humans) to not always behave rationally. You know all those tv shows where they show teenagers as being moody and erratic? Well, they're accurate. Individuals going through puberty are an emotional wreck (I was constantly anxious and would have complete meltdowns on a regular basis). Also, until the brain matures, we have poor impulse control and don't always think rationally.

For your sake and the sake of your future bird(s), wait till your brain's finished developing. High school is stressful as heck because of all the work, so you'll barely have a moment to spare for a parrot. Not to mention the fact that if you're stressed, you're bird will pick up on it, causing him or her to become really anxious.
Hello! My name is Ahona :white1: I've been reading some of the posts in this forum for a long time, and I think I really want a pet Cockatoo!

I can give the Too the care it requires. I know they are sensitive and emotional birds that'll go ballistic if you leave them alone. I also know that owning a Too is like having a toddler for 70+ years:) but I'm fine with it, tbh

So, I'll begin by introducing myself:

1. I'm Ahona, a 13-year-old bird lover (PLEASE DON'T DISCOURAGE ME DUE TO MY AGE, LIKE PLEASEEEEE)

2. I come from Bangladesh

I've been fascinated with Toos since my childhood. The first time I ever saw one was in an episode of Hannah Montana. That's where my love of Toos began.

I really need some advice, though. I'll be able to take good care of the Too. I've interacted with them MANY times (only sulphurs) But...

1) I'm gonna keep them in an outdoor aviary (not while they're babies, tho) and I'll bring them in during the day so that we can bond. Is this okay?

2) Do Toos get along with cats, chinchillas, sugar gliders and guinea pigs? The only animals that are gonna be out most of the time are the cats (ragdoll and turkish angora, very sweet-tempered).

3) What sort of Too would you recommend for me? I REALLY want a MM (who doesn't? lmao) but I heard that they're aggressive af.

4) All MM owners: what are the pros and cons of MM ownership? Please share your experiences

5) Are yellow-crested Toos good pets?

6) Are Galahs good pets?

7) I saw this vid and I wonder if MMs and Galahs get along...

Preening cockatoos - YouTube

Anyways thnx :40::40::40:

Dont make the mistake I almost did, read the posts I made and how people commented. I was also foolish like you are. We are both not ready for a commitment like this.

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