Home renovation and possible fumes


New member
Jun 2, 2012
Hiccup, Pineapple Greencheek Conure
Alright, I tried googling this, but I kept getting sites about cooking fumes. I live in the Midwest in America and it's starting to get cold, so mice are starting to come into the house. Obviously, this is bad and while Hiccup's cage is off the ground and all food stuff is kept in sealed, plastic containers, I want to go about and seal up any little nooks and crannnies I can find with a sealant, some of which will be around the central air vent that will be getting hot this winter as we use the heater.

Does anyone know if sealants release fumes one when they're first used, and two when they get heated? If they do when they're first used only, then that's an easy fix, I'll have a friend with birds take Hiccup for a week, but if it's going to fume when it gets heated, I'll have to just use Duck tape and a lot of it to keep the mice out
Hello there!

I am not 100% positive, of course, as I am no vet, but as far as I know, it shouldn't be a problem. Something that you could do, is that if you have a good vet, just give him/her a call and ask. I'm sure a vet would know which fumes could get your bird sick :)
I am in this mess to. A couple mice came up through my air vents when it started cooling down. This is what I did because the little things can basiclly make themselves like a pancake.

I went and found the hole they chewed in my air duct detacted it from the house and shook it out and used a air blower and blew the dust or what ever out of it. ( air blower is a little piece that hooks to a hose on a compressor good pressure if u dont have that I would say a good shaking) I reaffixed it stuffed the whole with steel wool and used airduct tape over it.

I went and bought all new air vents. I got some plastic ones. Because it is easier to remove the portion below that will open and close if you move the knob. I removed that piece and went to lowes and purchased steel mesh. Its a mesh that is shaped like diamonds I made sure the diamond holes where smallest i could find. And since i wasnt sure if the little buggers could still get through I used 3 pieces one long and two smaller cut to go the opposite direction I wire tied these 3 pieces together. Then i affixed them to the bottom of the grate. Then put the grate back into the floor.

I caught one mouse I knew was in the mouse I have not seen a mouse in about 3 weeks or noticed a sign from them getting into the house.

I know out in the garage I used this stuff in a can that blows up like rubber to seal cracks It dries pretty hard but i did not want to use it by my air vents because I have gas heat and those vents can shoot some pretty hot air which i think would unstablize it. Plus i was scared of it smelling
I am in this mess to. A couple mice came up through my air vents when it started cooling down. This is what I did because the little things can basiclly make themselves like a pancake.

I went and found the hole they chewed in my air duct detacted it from the house and shook it out and used a air blower and blew the dust or what ever out of it. ( air blower is a little piece that hooks to a hose on a compressor good pressure if u dont have that I would say a good shaking) I reaffixed it stuffed the whole with steel wool and used airduct tape over it.

I went and bought all new air vents. I got some plastic ones. Because it is easier to remove the portion below that will open and close if you move the knob. I removed that piece and went to lowes and purchased steel mesh. Its a mesh that is shaped like diamonds I made sure the diamond holes where smallest i could find. And since i wasnt sure if the little buggers could still get through I used 3 pieces one long and two smaller cut to go the opposite direction I wire tied these 3 pieces together. Then i affixed them to the bottom of the grate. Then put the grate back into the floor.

I caught one mouse I knew was in the mouse I have not seen a mouse in about 3 weeks or noticed a sign from them getting into the house.

I know out in the garage I used this stuff in a can that blows up like rubber to seal cracks It dries pretty hard but i did not want to use it by my air vents because I have gas heat and those vents can shoot some pretty hot air which i think would unstablize it. Plus i was scared of it smelling

tis that time of year! Uugghh! Anywhoo I have to commend you on your efforts to keep the little buggers out and your birds safe! Thanks for the tips!
There are water based sealants available in the market that has less fumes emitted. It is best to use eco-friendly building materials and make yourself free from harm. Sealants that are water based provide the same durability as those regular sealant found in store that release unwanted fumes.
Edward, thanks for your reply, but that thread was from last October.....

Welcome to the forum.....
It is looking that you are still in this process and have a very difficult task to complete.
You should search it on Google again and now you will find some good results. I have found this on Google.
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Uggh mice. Does anyone know if paint odors are harmful to birds after they dry? How about odors from a recent remodeling like a new hardwood, walls, and things like that?

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