Horrible way to have been rescued

It sounds as if the parents defended what their son was doing. This could be a sign of really bad things happening in this child's life. He could end up killing other animals and eventually people.
There are some very sick, horrible people out there :(

Good job you saw this happen and were able to save the poor little thing!
I agree, you should definitely file a report. Maybe that would wake them up. Some poor animal is just lying in wait to be tortured. You could be saving more than one life here. Please consider filing a report.
Who's to say that they won't do this again with another animal? I would file a report.
Some times I ........ Wow what the heck is up with some people? Thanks for being in the right place at the right time.
Thats just sickening. If my child eve did that.... ohhh he'd be in a world full of trouble. How can they do that?! Things like this make me sick. Thank goodness there are people like yu there. I would report them anyway.
Alisana I had considered reporting it but judging by the way the father acted it doesn't seem like this kid ever had a shot. If that would have been my father and he caught me doing anything like that you better believe I would have been in serious trouble.Hopefully after our little confrontation he might have learned something about treating living things with respect him and his father.

Whether or not the boy was brought up this way and was never taught wrong doesn't matter. Why would a stranger who cared a about same "stupid bird" you didn't know matter to him. You're 'some stupid stranger who cares for a stupid bird" in his eyes. I wouldn't be surprised if you made no impact at all, except on the bird. I would def. file a report against the three of them. The boy for obviously abusing it and the father and mother for encouraging and promoting it, which is just as bad.
It sounds as if the parents defended what their son was doing. This could be a sign of really bad things happening in this child's life. He could end up killing other animals and eventually people.

Basically how that starts. They begin by by wetting their beds ( not that it's a bad thing , but it's been linked to animal abuse , fire starters , and later possible child molesters ).
They torture animals , start fires , then down the road end up being child molesters and/or killers. Lovely for the parents to condone what he was doing too . Must be a wonderful family. Sorry , venting .
Thank you for stepping in and saving him !!!
What a lucky bird he is to have you come along !!!
I'm sure if it was a couple of minutes later it may not have turned out the same.
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Well guys thanks for the input, I had not considered reporting them due to the fact that we live in the same neighborhood and things turned pretty heated yesterday and could have turned out much worst. I’m just glad I got the bird with me and glad cooler heads prevailed at the end. I will leave it alone and do my best to socialize this guy.

I came home for lunch and set by the cage eating and talking to the bird, for the first time he climbed on the bars really close to me and just watched me and was not so skittish when I walked by.Still no names, I will try to repeat lucky and lotto today and see if he/she likes them.
Oh my god. It is absolutely disgusting that people do this, and horrible that this kids parents deemed it acceptable. I am not one to say such things but it must've been fate that you were there to intervene.
Think of it this way....if you make a report out , you may find out he has done this before and they need another complaint to actually take action on the family.
Wo knows , you may save more then you know it by filing this report.
Personally , I wouldn't let it go because it would haunt me forever knowing I could have stopped more abuse from happening. JMHO
OMG thank you so much for being there. That poor little thing.
You are his saviour. Bless his little heart. There is no telling how badly he has been treated.

Absolutely agreed.

Sometimes kids will do sick things (and not realize what they do is sick) just to appease a 'friend' that eggs them on... but other kids are just vile to the core.

Every time I read of abuse, it is sickening.

It's far worse when "adults" tolerate such vile actions as well. :mad::mad::mad:

MUCH thanks to the OP for sharing the story, and to stepping in to help that hapless bird. We need more saints in this world...
let him sit near you while you play and give scratches to your seney it's like them seeing another bird eating something they wont try then they try it. And you should get a parade for your actions and yes pictures are manditory. heheheeh
I don't think I posted earlier, think I was too overwhelmed with this post and another thread about abuse/rescue etc.

Thankyou Seabass for taking on this bird. Good luck to you all in your new life. She'll certainly keep you distracted whilst waiting on your sennie too :)
Good for you to save that poor bird. You can try to report it, but likely nothing can or will be done. It will be your work against theirs, without proof, like photos to document any abuse.
Good GRIEF. What disgusting behavior. Thank goodness you got that little baby. I am 100% sure you'll take great care of him.
I hate animal abuse. I think everyone does, except for the abuser. I just came accross an old article on a cat named 'Sticky' after his body was tightly wrapped with duct tape. It made me want to cry and vomit at the same time.

It is completely your choice to report them or not, and if you choose not to, hey, I respect that. :) Again, thank you for saving him from further abuse. :) How is he doing?
Good for you to save that poor bird. You can try to report it, but likely nothing can or will be done. It will be your work against theirs, without proof, like photos to document any abuse.

Well , not really. If the vet chooses to get involved and document all he has found wrong with the bird and how it coincides with the actions seen by the OP being made by the boy , it will hold water.
Have faith.

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