I think that perhaps Sun's are easily sold at higher prices just because of their looks. I have 2 Suns and a GCC. Their personalities are day and night. Who do I prefer? That would be choosing one child over the other.
I personally would not choose one over the other based on looks or price. Suns have a lot going for them, but they have a lot of issues as well. If you can handle a 2 year old having the tantrum of the year utilizing only those pitches that shatter year ear drum through a mega phone, then a Sun may be for you.
Personally, it doesn't bother me. My husband and my employees have learned to refrain from expressing their displeasure where I can see it. Note: not all Sun's are like this just like all golden retrievers don't make good retrievers. My female is the one who starts the screaming fest and I think my male just screams back at her to shut her up.
They also have a lot of good things going. They are velcro birds. Seriously. They don't want to be with you MOST of the time, it's ALL the time. While you work, watch TV, clean, go to the bathroom, while you take a shower, etc. etc. Some people dig this, some not so much.
Enough about Suns. My Green Cheek is the quietest most laid back bird. I am sure she will never talk as the only noised she make are mumbles or perhaps small squeaky peeps when she is telling you all about something that just happened. She also, like many green cheecks, can be nippy. Again, doesn't bother me. I just deal with it, don't react, and she barely does it anymore. She is just as much a buddy as my Sun's, just different. Someone here described suns as toddlers on a caffeine high. I think that about sums it up.