How come sun conures are so much more expensive than smaller conures?


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Apr 10, 2015
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Prices differ anywhere from $150 to as much as $400; they look pretty similar, their sizes are similar (a few inches don't seem too significant), and from what I understand about sun conures, they're loud as hell. Doesn't seem to be worth the extra cash.

Do sun conures tend to be smarter? Or is it just because they're more difficult to breed and house?
It is because Sun Conures are threatened in the wild. They are more rare than Green Cheeks and other small Conures.

I have personally found GCs to be smarter than Suns in my experience.
Me thinks the price difference is because the sun is flashier! Sad to say, I see too many folks getting a sun conure because it 'looks so cool'!
I don't know if sun conures are smarter than green cheeks. I think it's more the individual bird. I have a sun conure who happens to be a smart little guy. I have taught him tricks that took him 2 minutes to learn! I am sure if you ask you will find some green cheeks who are equally smart. As far as being loud, yes they sure can be. However, I don't find it to be that bad. Researching them, I was expecting worse to be honest. However, if he gets excited while anywhere near your ear then lookout!!! He will make your ear ring!
Probably a demand thing. People want them because they look so beautiful so breeders and stores can charge a bit more.
Probably a demand thing. People want them because they look so beautiful so breeders and stores can charge a bit more.

Exactly. They're one of the prettiest birds out there, so they charge double.
I would imagine because of the Color, like others have said. Supply and demand! When my girlfriend bought mango ( her sun conure), she got a smoking deal on him. We had a budget and we're looking for a conure, but weren't looking for anything specific, just wanted to take in something that someone was looking to remove their bird. We say a few birds that were less, but fell in love with his personality. If you aren't in a rush you can find some good deals on what your looking for.
I think that perhaps Sun's are easily sold at higher prices just because of their looks. I have 2 Suns and a GCC. Their personalities are day and night. Who do I prefer? That would be choosing one child over the other.

I personally would not choose one over the other based on looks or price. Suns have a lot going for them, but they have a lot of issues as well. If you can handle a 2 year old having the tantrum of the year utilizing only those pitches that shatter year ear drum through a mega phone, then a Sun may be for you.

Personally, it doesn't bother me. My husband and my employees have learned to refrain from expressing their displeasure where I can see it. Note: not all Sun's are like this just like all golden retrievers don't make good retrievers. My female is the one who starts the screaming fest and I think my male just screams back at her to shut her up.

They also have a lot of good things going. They are velcro birds. Seriously. They don't want to be with you MOST of the time, it's ALL the time. While you work, watch TV, clean, go to the bathroom, while you take a shower, etc. etc. Some people dig this, some not so much.

Enough about Suns. My Green Cheek is the quietest most laid back bird. I am sure she will never talk as the only noised she make are mumbles or perhaps small squeaky peeps when she is telling you all about something that just happened. She also, like many green cheecks, can be nippy. Again, doesn't bother me. I just deal with it, don't react, and she barely does it anymore. She is just as much a buddy as my Sun's, just different. Someone here described suns as toddlers on a caffeine high. I think that about sums it up.
I don't think that one species of conure is smarter than another. Even if I did, I wouldn't say that on here because I think it's rude for someone to 'claim' their bird is smarter than someone elses based on species.

That being said, suns are actually an 'endangered species' in the wild. Mostly do to de-forestation and trapping for the pet trade.

Suns are also considered to be one of the most beautiful parrots in the world. That reason alone tends to be why they are more expensive then other conures.

As beautiful as they are, I think it's unfortunate that someone buys a bird just cause it's colorful. They aren't fashion accessories nor trophy pets. But our society is obsessed with superficiality and physical perfection. This can often extend into peoples lives and the choices they made.

As beautiful as Skittles is, that isn't what got me to buy him. It was his quirky character and how he would only do certain things when I was there. Had he just been sitting there looking pretty, I hate to say it, but I probably would not have bought him.

You hit the nail right on the head. "Velcro birds", lol. It's funny cause the very things many people find frustrating about suns are the things I like most. I love that Skittles follows me everywhere and wants to be with me and involved in my daily activities.

With the type of lifestyle I live, a sun is perfect for me. But they are not for everyone.

They're really rainbow-colored divas in my experience. I also don't think they are the type of bird for someone who lives a busy lifestyle OR has a lot of other pets. Suns demand a LOT of time and attention. That whole '2hr' rule is not enough.

Also, personally, I think 'beauty' is in the eye of the beholder.
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I don't know about them not being for someone with alot of animals. I have to many animals, most of witch don't demand a ton of time, but do take their share. I just bring mango with me when I'm cleaning cages, water dishes or feeding. He loves making the rounds with me. He won't do it with my girlfriend, but he will with me. We do literally everything together ( except feed the snakes ��). He even hangs out with me when I clean his cage, until I start touching " his toys " then it's game on.

On another note I think it is sad that people chose pets because of looks
looks. Mangos not even my bird ( sometimes you wouldn't even know), but when my girlfriend was looking she didn't fall for the other birds we looked at like she did for mango. That said people will sell an egg to a chicken if they will buy it, it's all about supply and demand. As long as people are willing they will sell fo more.
On another note I think it is sad that people chose pets because of looks
looks. Mangos not even my bird ( sometimes you wouldn't even know), but when my girlfriend was looking she didn't fall for the other birds we looked at like she did for mango. That said people will sell an egg to a chicken if they will buy it, it's all about supply and demand. As long as people are willing they will sell fo more.

Slightly different take: many of the aratinga conure species are all going to be of very similar size and temperaments. Yes, they are all individuals, but there's are more similarities than differences: they are all mostly active clowns. All things being equal then, nothing wrong with picking the most visually appealing to you.

This of course assumes you've done your research and know that aratinga conures are for you. Conversely If you simply happen upon a sun conure and buy it because it's pretty then I do have a problem with that.
@tony21 - I'm speaking in general terms of course. There are plenty of people out there with a LOT of animals and they have enough time for all of them even with their busy schedules. Unfortunately, that's not always the case. I think it's more an individual thing.

@chris-md Visual appeal is fine, imo. As long as that's not the ONLY reason. I remember another customer at the pet store referring to Skittles as 'pretty with no personality'. She saw what she wanted to see. Not what was actually there.
No personality?!?! Clearly she never met a conure before...smh...
@tony21 - I'm speaking in general terms of course. There are plenty of people out there with a LOT of animals and they have enough time for all of them even with their busy schedules. Unfortunately, that's not always the case. I think it's more an individual thing.

@chris-md Visual appeal is fine, imo. As long as that's not the ONLY reason. I remember another customer at the pet store referring to Skittles as 'pretty with no personality'. She saw what she wanted to see. Not what was actually there.

Yes you are very right, having more then one animal is not for everyone! I happen to be one of the lucky ones hahaha.


Agreed it's a much better way to look at things haha
No personality?!?! Clearly she never met a conure before...smh...

I was actually observing Skittles in the pet store, he was down near the bottom of the aviary all excited and hopping. Then, I stepped aside cause a woman came by and wanted to see what he was doing. Skittles flew up to the top perch and ignored her. Then she made that remark about 'no personality'. After she left, I went back to see him and he proceeded to come back down and do the hopping thing and did some rolling over. He was clearly trying to get my attention. It's quite clear he chose me. It wasn't the other way around. Personally, I think he knew that woman was not a nice person.

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