Why are Green Cheeked Conures so much more expensive then Cockatiels?


New member
Apr 5, 2023
Czech Republic
None yet.
Hello there folks! Iam looking to get a first pair of parrots ever soon, and I have done lots, and I mean LOTS of research for how to take good care of them and make them happy and safe. But parrots generaly recommended for new owners are Budgies, Tiels, and GCCs. And while the other two are really really cheap from most breeders in my country, but GCCs can cost almost triple that price, and Iam not even talking about other colors. Anyone know why is that? They are pretty similar with behavior and difficulty to train from what I have seen and read, and I really don't have a clue why are they so expensive. Help appreciated!
Because GCC's are rarer than cockatiels.

However I'm not sure how it looks like in other countries because I noticed that in different countries different species are more common - but here where I live cockatiels are definitely more common, you can buy them in most pet stores which sell birds while GCCs... are hardly ever seen
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Because GCC's are rarer than cockatiels.

However I'm not sure how it looks like in other countries because I noticed that in different countries different species are more common - but here where I live cockatiels are definitely more common, you can buy them in most pet stores which sell birds while GCCs... are hardly ever seen
I see! That most likely is the case really, there is a nice little site for breeders in my country, where they put up the animals they have, and right now, there is nearly triple the ammount of Tiels then CCGs in my whole country availible. I will be getting Tiel then most likely.
Tiels and Budgies are rather prolific breeders.
average clutch is 5/6
IDK what conures are like as far as reproduction goes.
I don't know if GCC are a good choice for first parrot. Granted they are small, but they also have definate personalitites and not all are the cutesy, snuggly type. And they tend to be bitey/nippy, especially during hormone season. A cockatiel is a great choice, they are active, smart, can learn almost any whistled song and not prone to nipping. Of course these are generalities and there is always one on the thin side of any bell shaped curve. Good luck!

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