How do you keep your bird entertained while you are gone?


New member
Aug 15, 2011
North Georgia
Green Cheeked Conure
My little Green Cheek has numerous foot toys and hanging toys, but I feel like this isn't enough stimulation. What do you do for your bird, if you have to be gone for several hours? I've considered getting my bird a friend.
Well, conures are generally really good at entertaining themselves with toys. But, they also enjoy music or watching TV so you might leave on a TV or radio. Just be careful what they are watching, lol! Rowdy learned some rather interesting cuss words from watching soap operas while I was at work. And they were words I knew I didn't say, so it took me awhile to figure out how she learned them! They do seem to enjoy cartoons though so if you have cable/satellite TV you can choose a kid's channel for them to watch.

As for a friend, well your bird may not like the new bird. So only get one if YOU want another bird.
I second the tv idea. I have to run out to the store today and will leave JJ with one of the kid's movies on. Probably Rio, the kids think she'll love that movie.
Make sure and have lots of toys that can stimulate the bird's brain. Shredding, chewing, swinging and so on. I also had a mirror in a GCC conures cage and he loved it. You should rotate the toys also. I change toys every week. I play music for my bird when I am gone.
Lots of toys , play music and I have a bunch of Border Collies that never fail to entertain :)
Get some foraging toys...
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Thanks! This really helps! About the mirror, though. I've heard that mirrors can make a bird cage aggressive, since it will sometimes bond to its own reflection. Have you had experience with this? I don't have a TV nearby, but I do have a radio. Do your birds have any favorites as far as music goes?
Thanks! This really helps! About the mirror, though. I've heard that mirrors can make a bird cage aggressive, since it will sometimes bond to its own reflection. Have you had experience with this? I don't have a TV nearby, but I do have a radio. Do your birds have any favorites as far as music goes?
My sun conure does not have a mirror, My budgies do and the male is constantly staring at himself, talking to himself, and regurgatating on himself! he LOVES it, but he is not hand tame at all. The female budgie doesn't even look at it but that's probably because Odin is constantly hogging it!
also, Clifford had a CD that we made for him. It just said different things and played different songs. He learned every single word on that CD and he sings some of the songs. When one of the songs plays on TV he dances and sings along. I know you can buy CDs that teach your bird to talk but we made one because we thought it would be better for him to hear it in our voices.
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What a great idea! I'm still iffy on the mirror, though. Do you think your budgie isn't hand tame because of the mirror, or is that just him being a budgie?
He used to be hand tame until I got a second job and bought him a friend. He also mimicked noises and tried to talk, when I got the female all of that stopped. I don't think its because of the mirror in odins case. but there are a lot of opinions against them if you want a social bird.
Honestly I wouldn't suggest a mirror, I'm not giving Clifford one. But every bird is different. It is up to you. There are plenty of other toys and things to keep him busy, he should be ok without one :)

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