How to find a breeder?


New member
Oct 7, 2011
Johnson City, TN. (which can not be accessed going
hoping to get a Pionus soon
Hey guys,
My life has final settled down to the point where I have time for a bird :) and I'm super excited. I figure since my roommate is joining the coast guard and moving out in june, I'll start making arrangement's to get a pionus now.

I was wondering where to find a Pionus breeder. I'm located in Johnson City, TN.
I'm a huge fan look wise of the white capped Pionus, but what do yall think is best for a single guy? My room where it would be kept is normal fairly quiet in the day, with maybe one high traffic day during the week with family hanging out and what not.
I'm having trouble from the info I find on the interweb picking ^_^

one question, will Pionuses be ok home alone while I'm in class during the day? I'm not so worried about work as It's normally a 9pm to 4am type of deal and only on saturdays and the occasional weekday.

Thanks guys!:cool:


New member
May 16, 2011
North Carolina
My lovely little Black Cap Conure, Lucy (in the sky with diamonds) <3
I'm in classes and labs about 30 hours a week and then i work 11 hours on top of that and my BHPi is quite content with that. He also has my conure to talk to haha. I did a google search for some Pi stuff recently and came across a GREAT book that helped me out a LOT, it's called the practical pionus :) I love my chicken cordon Bleu <3 He talks and he dances and he bites and thrashes about on top of his cage. He's jekyl and hyde in his old age (not really old, he's only 5 lol). I've heard that white caps are more... fiesty, than the other Pi's, I have personally found this to be true haha but every bird has it's own individual personality traits :) Pi's seem to be rather independent birds that still enjoy a human's company :) and they're relatively quiet. (keep in mind ALL birds are loud at some point!) I played with a white cap... almost brought him home too haha.... and I played with a maximillian and... boyfriend is still trying to convince me to go back and get her (i put my foot down, I want my grey! lol) I've found they're great birds. I'm still quite green in the area of parronthood :) but what i've learned I've learned from experience and guidance from the great people here and at my local bird store! I'm very very happy that I have both my conure and my pi <3 they keep me company here at school :)

As far as finding a breeder.... google some :) and see if you can set up appointments to go meet them and possible fildren! Also check rescues!


New member
Oct 7, 2011
Johnson City, TN. (which can not be accessed going
hoping to get a Pionus soon
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Hey andrea, thanks for the reply :)

Your major sound's like all sorts of busy! I think Ill be buying "Practical Pionus" this week and start studying up ^_^

Now for the white cap when you say fiesty is that like a mean type fiesty? I'd probly only be able to do one bird for the time being, so just wanted to make sure the bird would be ok with that :)

I've been having a very hard time finding local TN breeders, However my brother has a house in Durham NC, so NC breeders are also a viable option. I feel you on wanting a grey :) I've been wanting one for a long time, but it's just not in the cards right now.


New member
May 16, 2011
North Carolina
My lovely little Black Cap Conure, Lucy (in the sky with diamonds) <3
I can totally relate, I won't be getting my grey for at least 3 years haha and i'm FINE with that lol I still gotta get these guys trained XD I actually found the digital copy of the book and was reading it, I don't know if it was just a segment or the whole book but it had what i was looking for! here's the link:

The Practical Pionus: Pet Pionus Parrots - Russ Shade - Google Books

My major is VERY demanding but it's ok because the pionus, in general is a relatively independent parrot. I leave my laptop on my dresser and shuffle cartoons for the birds to watch while I'm in class too :) Bleu isn't a huge fan of toys, but that's because in his previous home he didn't have any (he's a rescue), now he's got a few favorites that he'll bicker at me if I move haha

Feisty... not mean! haha They're... dominant? I suppose? The one I played with was named George... he was a no nonsense kind of man and if he didn't want you near him, you'd know it! He'd do his pionus strut and expect you to back off... He was a sucker for a girl with nails though haha... or anyone that would stand up to him and help bust his pins for him ;) he was all talk lol They're bossy basically lol sweet when they want to be, bossy when they want what they want.. Sorry if that wasn't very helpful hahaha

Mufasa: Simba, everything the light touches, is Raleigh.
Simba: What about that shadowy place?
Mufasa: That is Durham, you must never go there.

Sorry, had to hahahahahaha, viral picture on FB amongst my collegemates lol


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Oct 7, 2011
Johnson City, TN. (which can not be accessed going
hoping to get a Pionus soon
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Thanks so much for the link! I understand how demanding majors go!
That's a good idea with the laptop :) I haven't decided on a desktop or laptop yet. Have to upgrade to a mac for recording purposes. If i got with the desktop I'd imagine I could crank up some tunes on the studio monitors.

I Think they're is a rescue place in Ashville that I've been meaning to go check out! I didn't notice in your sig that Durham was the darkside in my original reply ;) I've heard rescues can be very unfriendly. Do the pionuses adapt pretty quickly? I'd love to hear about your rescue experience!

lol well I don't have nails, so perhaps a white capped is out for me ^_^ I could probly handle bossy though ;) can't be as bossy as my ex! lol But I think I would be happy with any pionus


New member
May 16, 2011
North Carolina
My lovely little Black Cap Conure, Lucy (in the sky with diamonds) <3
Haha they're great birds :) Bleu seems to be adapting pretty well, we're still working on stepping off the cage... I've been working slowly but surely to earn his trust, I've had him since... oc...tober? i think? maybe it was september lol my laptop is a Mac haha have to have it for my major (graphic communications). Lucy (my conure) and Bleu both LOVE when I have music on, they'll sing along and dance and play :) It's really quite funny...
Bleu isn't a typical... rescue-rescue... he's a craigslist-rescue. I went to look at a cage (we were looking at getting a Max Pi) and there was Bleu... the guy wanted 400 for the cage, didn't care much about the bird... I couldn't leave him, I just couldn't... he ran from me, flew from me, and really didn't want to come to me or my boyfriend, but I couldn't leave him in that condition. His nails were growing into his feet, his feathers were gross, he had bacteria soup for water (he puts his food in his water and eats it like cereal... after a few hours, it starts to get.. icky... his water dish looked like a pool that hadn't been cleaned in 3 years..), there was poo all over his cage, feet, and legs. he had 1 perch, and 1 toy.. and the perch was for a cockatiel... I handed the man 400, broke down the cage, took Bleu, and was out of the man's driveway in less than 10 minutes. at the time his name was Squeaky, but I don't think he knew that... hes responds to Bleu and even says his name now.. so... as far as adaptability, I think they're pretty remarkable in that aspect; but I can't speak for all, I can only speak for Bleu since all birds are different
Playing with Lucy (more like running from her, she's a little green monster)

Stealing cereal

Stealing Chicken and rice

Hangin' with his BFF Noodles the Octopus :)


It's not my sig, I just separated it from the actual conversation haha I couldn't help myself XD


New member
Oct 7, 2011
Johnson City, TN. (which can not be accessed going
hoping to get a Pionus soon
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WOW! what a great story! And thank you for rescuing that bird from that terrible person :shakes head in disgust: It's good to hear hes adapting well. Hes absolutely gorgeous! A green conure was actually my first bird, and I loved it to death! he passed away while I was in highschool :(

I understand needing a mac for your major. Mine isn't quite so dire of a need, but for musical recording the mac really is the best options. Unfortunately It gets pricey after the mac, audio interface, monitors, mic, ect.

Great pictures! And i like that bit you did with the Lion king reference. What you did there, I see it.


New member
Feb 1, 2011
Antioch, TN
"Willie"&"Lola"B&G Macaw,
"Dixie"LSC2, and "Nico" Scarlet Macaw.
Maybe this site will help you locate a breeder! - Bird Breeders Directory of Availability and Parrot Breeders

BUT like andrea have done, we've done it with most of our birds. Some were in very poor condition and I just want to get them out of there asap. I have stopped myself from going to look at anymore cause I can not fill my home with anymore have declined a Moluccan Cockatoo and a Red Crown Amazon because I can't have


New member
May 16, 2011
North Carolina
My lovely little Black Cap Conure, Lucy (in the sky with diamonds) <3
OOh, and I meant to add earlier... I don't condone craigslist shopping for birds for the inexperienced owner... that was a fault on myself... Bleu is only my second bird and I really didn't have Lu all that long before I got him, I just couldn't stand to see him that way. Rescue birds will have their issues and problems and most of the time it takes an experienced person to help them! I just lucked out with Bleu I think, he's got his quirks but he's not a plucker or a screamer, he's just ... Bleu :)


New member
Feb 1, 2011
Antioch, TN
"Willie"&"Lola"B&G Macaw,
"Dixie"LSC2, and "Nico" Scarlet Macaw.
Its harder to find adoption centers here in Nashville. Your area should have some near by. Adoption is wonderful even if its from craigslist. Most birds were good birds to begin with, its usually neglect and bad ownership that caused the behavior issue they have. They all deserve a second chance and those that are able and are knowledgeable to train will provide the best care they need and turn them around to be sweet wonderful birds once again!


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Jan 18, 2011
Mt. Dora Fl./central Fl.
11 month old Senegal Parrot - 3 year old SI Eclectus
I would check Ebay classifieds for your area. Breeders use that site quite a bit. You can also post on Craigslist. I posted an ad a while back looking for a bird and had numerous breeders contact me.


New member
Feb 22, 2012
Any suggestions for a person who is interested in rescuing? How well do Pionus parrots "rebound" from bad situations. I have limited training experience, but am learning. I spend allot of time with my pets and have not had problems in the past. I would like to rescue.


New member
Feb 1, 2011
Antioch, TN
"Willie"&"Lola"B&G Macaw,
"Dixie"LSC2, and "Nico" Scarlet Macaw.
I haven't had much contact with pionus. So I can't really tell you how they're like. But all the different ones I've had or have, all the same, persistence, love, care, etc. Im all for the rescue but experiences would be nice. As some have learned bad behavior from the last family or how ever many they've been though that you need to correct. This is my personal opinion, to me its easier to start out small so you can learn what birds are like before making a commitment to the larger ones that can be a lot harder to handle.


New member
May 16, 2011
North Carolina
My lovely little Black Cap Conure, Lucy (in the sky with diamonds) <3
Any suggestions for a person who is interested in rescuing? How well do Pionus parrots "rebound" from bad situations. I have limited training experience, but am learning. I spend allot of time with my pets and have not had problems in the past. I would like to rescue.

It all depends on the bird and the situation it came from I think... My pionus is a rescue, he's come a pretty long way but I really think he's come along so fast because he's a pretty laid back guy. We're still working on stepping up but he'll take food from me, snuggle when he's off his cage, so just about anything if his cage isn't in sight but he'll defend it if he feels threatened. He's going to be 6 years old tomorrow and I've only had birds for a year :) so I'm pretty green on all this myself. I've learned a lot about birds from him. I felt that he needed me, and I felt a connection with him, I was very nervous at first, I still am a bit nervous, but I love him to bits, and we're learning and growing together :)


New member
Jul 13, 2011
M2's, U2's, G2's, RB2's, VOS, RLA's, BFA's, DYHA's, Dusky Pionus, Blue and Green Quakers, Meyers Parrots, VOS, GW Macaw's, Harlequin Macaws, Tiels, YNA, TAG's, CAG's, Blue Crown Conures, Red sided Ecl
I have 2 rehab pionus here. First was Sam a Dusky pionus. Sam went through 5 homes in 2 weeks due to massive aggression (turned out to be typical "I can fly at people and they run" cage aggression). It was an easy fix. I trimmed his wings ONCE, and he is now the sweetest little guy (and The other was a white cap maxi cross (from my best guess) named Mylee. She suffered serious neglect, and while she's currently healthy, she will never have much muscle in the breast area... she was severely underweight and unhandled... I gave her groceries, took her to the vet, and she's a happy and friendly little thing.(always stuffing her face like she's never eaten before). Most pioonus rehomes seem to be pretty straight forward in their rehab (in my experience), set boundaries, build trust, and make sure they're healthy... they bounce back faster than 'toos, greys, and macaws (at least for me they have). Too bad you're in TN, Mylee is looking for a home.

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