How warm is 'too warm'?


New member
Feb 15, 2014
Dallas area, Texas
Hey guys, so I live in Texas, and the summertime can be pretty brutal as far as the consistently hot weather.

Though it isn't *too* bad right now, in the low 90's, it's still in the upper 70's/low 80's inside my apartment with the AC blowing all day. (Yes, we're contacting the office to see if anything can be done.)

Should I be concerned about them getting too warm? Obviously it's cooler at night than it is during the day but I don't want them to become uncomfortably warm, seeing as we have no means of transporting their cages(and really, not anywhere to keep them other than here..)

Obviously if the AC broke and it was too hot then we'd be packing travel carriers and finding somewhere cool until it was fixed, but that's a worst-case-emergency scenario.
I dunno, but in their natural environments it can get really hot in summer, and I don't think they mind the 80s. 90s in a closed room might be too much. I remember some people wrote here that their parrots cannot stand the hot weather. It probably also depends on a particular bird as well (it's like people - I start 'dying' in mid-80s, and my hubby just loves it even in 90s although we are from the same place).
I would think a tropical bird could take tropical temperatures BUT there is one difference, in the tropics there is high humidity, it rains everyday, there's wind...

I don't think 80's inside the apartment would bother them

We lived in a part of Arizona where it would be in the 90s most of the summer and occasionally get into the 100's (so not the *worst*, but still too hot for my taste) and we had no a/c at all. It was misery for everyone, but we ran fans 24/7 and misted Kiwi frequently. Everyone "made it through" fine. Kiwi liked when we put an ice cube to play with in his water dish.
Oh April! I'd die in AZ or here in Southern CA without a/c!!:eek: I HATE when it's even moderately hot.

Once A LONG TIME AGO when my little old man was still a young boy...
I had the birds in a room in the hot summer when the a/c wasn't on while I was gone all day. The hot sun was coming in straight through the glass window in the small room upstairs, and it was literally in the 90's with no air circulation.

I was mortified when I got home!!:52:..... Whew, everyone was okay! Though they lived thankfully, I know that day was probably pushing it.

It also depends on if they're acclimated to the climate in which they live.
Yes, they are tropical birds, but you have to remember, they have never lived a day in their lives in the tropics. So, with that being said, if you see them breathing through their mouths and sort of panting like a dog, you know it is too hot for them to deal with. and like everyone has suggested, use fans, misting and ice cubes in the water bowls.
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Thanks for the responses guys. :) I know they're from more tropical regions and all but like mentioned above they've never lived in the 'real world' so I didn't want to write it off as a non-threat too soon.
They don't show any signs of discomfort, I just have to go a few hours during the day without the ceiling fan so all the fids can come out, since I know once the boyfriend is home he's gonna want the fan! Hehe.
Hopefully today maintenance will get out there, though we will be gone most of the day. It's cloudy outside so I'm not super worried it'll be as warm. I'm much more tolerant of the heat than most people I know, but I enjoy being somewhat spoiled with my climate-controlled living quarters hah.
We also moved the huge bearded dragon tank out of the living area, just to minimize head coming off his lamps. So that might help a little too.

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