I finally have an egg.


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Super Moderator
Sep 7, 2006
Today my Tiel laid another egg, this is the third one, unfortunately she will not lay them in the nest box she drops them to the floor, the first two broke, but today, after padding the bottom of the cage, we had a totally intact egg. We moved this from the floor and placed it in the nest box, carefully placed Leo in the box and left them to it. As soon as I moved away Leo came out of the box. Until most of her eggs are laid she won't sit on them so I'm not that concerned at the moment. Hopefully she will start sitting on this egg in the next couple of days. I hope.


Fingers crossed that this is the time she will sit and hatch a baby. I'll keep you all informed.
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Today I am like the expectant father (I now know what my hubby went through when I was having my kids) Everything I know about this has gone out of the window and I'm sitting here thinking I'm not ready for this to be happening, I'm not prepared, WHAT IF

After this is over, I'm gonna have serious talks with these two tell them about the birds and bees.

Today she is showing some interest in what is going on and keeps going to check that the egg is still there. Whether she will actually sit on them is a different matter, but we'll see, its all up to her now. :D I'll keep you informed.

Oh I'm gonna have to tell ya, when she laid the egg I asked "Who laid this egg then" a little voice from behind me said "Bucc did it" So what a clever little CAG I have. HE laid a tiel egg. It was just so funny that he said that as soon as I asked the question. hahahaha
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I have my doubts that it will hatch, but if it does you'll get so fed up of all the baby pics I'll be taking and posting :D you'll beg me to stop. :D :D Time will tell now. I'll keep you all posted.
awesome Peta good luck. Hane you thought about candling the egg to see whether it is fertile or not? Might calm the nerves a bit hey:)
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bill said:
awesome Peta good luck. Hane you thought about candling the egg to see whether it is fertile or not? Might calm the nerves a bit hey:)

That is my next step, although I have a very strong suspicion that she is not gonna sit on it. But hey, theres still time. The nerves have now settled down and everything has come back to me, I don't feel quite so unprepared.
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:D :D I've told her Sarah, but don't think she was listening. Also think she has finished laying now, so theres no way she's gonna sit on it now. :( I'll give her until tomorrow then will have to take the egg out :17: if she doesn't sit. Ah well better luck next time.
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:18: :18: I've even gone as far as threatening her but she just turns her back on me. You can tell who's the boss in this house. Even my kids take more notice of me than she did. :18: :18:
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After a lot of talking too, Leo did not sit on the egg, nor was she interested in it at all. :17: She has stopped laying now so we will need to pull the egg out. :17: Hopefully next time. We are gonna try something different when she starts laying again, we are gonna put a tray on the floor of the cage and see if that helps. We'll see.

As I said before, we never got these to breed from (they were supposed to be both males) so if it happens it happens, if it doesn't well thats okay too. We love her even if she doesn't sit on them.

Maybe after watching my two, she thinks you are joking, have kids. Not likely. :D :D
Try this Peta. Next time she lays put in egg in with her eggs that is about twice the size of her eggs.It can be artificial or whatever you like. I have heard the teqnique used when some parrots eat their own eggs as it seem to evoke stronger parenting instincts due to it"s much larger size. Let me know how you go with it.:) :)
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Thanks for that Bill, I'll give it a try, and let you know what happenes.

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