New Budgie Laid Egg


New member
Aug 31, 2024
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First time bird owner here. We adopted a budgie from our local humane society (very reputable, high ethical standards) yesterday. Our budgie seems to be settling in well, chirping, eating, drinking, flying around her enormous cafe while we get to know each other. The weird thing is she laid an egg today. It fell to the cage floor and cracked. I’ve read about not encouraging “hormonal” behaviour, but should I be worried about the egg laying?
If she lays a lot of eggs, don't remove them from her. It encourages hens to lay more. If it's just one egg, I wouldn't be worried. You'll need to make sure she gets a good source of calcium if she lays more. It could be she was comfortable at the HS and the egg was in her system when she arrived at your place. A new situation, a new home, and BAM! Fresh egg laid :) . It's just a theory, tho.
Thanks for responding! I won’t worry unless I see any more eggs. We do have a check up with the vet, but it’s still a few weeks away. I can ask then if there are any more eggs. She didn’t seem fussed about it, so that’s good.

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