I guess Zilla and I have a new addition to our flock!


New member
Sep 27, 2014
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Gresham, OR
Zilla 29 Y.O. Orange Wing Amazon
I'm still a bit upset about the phone call I got earlier, but at least I know the little guy is safe, warm, and has good food and fresh water daily.

A guy called, wouldn't give me his name and the number came up blocked. He had the band number exactly right and lives just next door in the neighboring apartment community. I really have no reason to doubt he and his wife were the owners.

He said his wife brought the bird home (he used more colorful language) said he put up with it for a couple of years (they had it just over 2 years) and he is tired of listening to it and cleaning up after it, and then it chewed a door molding and that was the last straw so he opened the door, chased it outside and closed the door.

He told his wife if she brings it back home he will leave and divorce her, so it's him or the bird. She has chosen him and they have said I can keep it or toss it back outside, they don't care what I do with it.

Only problem is they both refuse to sign any paperwork, so what if they come back later and want him back? I guess I will cross that bridge when I come to it. For now he is safe, happy, has a full crop and a warm place to rest. He does need a bigger cage, but that is something I can take care of Friday (payday)

Anyone have any good Boy name suggestions? I'm horrible with names, especially boy names...LOL
I think I missed an earlier post about this mysterious subject, but using my deduction skills I think you just became proud owner of a Quaker boy! Congratulations to both you and the birdie! How about Kick? (as in Kicked-Out), or Pick, as in "picked up".
oh my god. I am SO happy that you were the one to find him!! What a sin, poor guy may just think you are the best thing since sliced bread if that's how he was treated :( <3 Good luck with little ****. ;)
At least he was nice enough to let you know. Bad way to treat a bird though. Too bad yoy cant get the cage. Then again you might not want it.

I hope Zilla comes to enjoy little **** as much as you do.

Luc short for lucky.
*fumes and sputters*

Cut his leg band off of him, then there is no way they can prove he was theirs. Vet him. find out the legal method of declaring and then adopting a found animal. For Hawaii you have to publically post for 30 days that you found the bird, i used craigslist. then she was mine. so leg band off, vet records, declare the bird however is legal, and get it all done with asap while he is still mad. its all about covering your rear.
Payday is Friday so I will be scheduling a vet check for bloodwork, I already had him in for just a general once over and to make sure I got the band numbers right. I will also be getting him a new/used cage. The Bird Hut already said they will make me a good deal on a decent cage (more because he loves Zilla and how I nursed her back to health, and how she likes to go hang out with him at the store than because I need one for the quaker)!

I didn't know you could cut the band off...is that legal?

I read the other day that here in Oregon the original owners have 180 days to show up wanting the animal before you can legally adopt. :eek: That's 6 months! I will be doing some more checking on that, might even have to call Mom's lawyer friend and see if there is a faster way.
Wow, it makes one wonder how many people do this to their parrots. Did he by chance mention how long ago he set him free? Not that it really matters, I as just curious.

I hope Zilla comes to accept him, you don't want an unhappy Zilla either. I feel sorry for his wife, giving her an untimatium like that, terrible. "Let's use intimidation to get what I want" what a jerk. They probably don't have any kids either, they are messy and noisey too. Ok I'm done ranting.... :30:
Wow, it makes one wonder how many people do this to their parrots. Did he by chance mention how long ago he set him free? Not that it really matters, I as just curious.

I hope Zilla comes to accept him, you don't want an unhappy Zilla either. I feel sorry for his wife, giving her an untimatium like that, terrible. "Let's use intimidation to get what I want" what a jerk. They probably don't have any kids either, they are messy and noisey too. Ok I'm done ranting.... :30:

He actually did say he tossed him out on Saturday about noon and I first saw him on my garage roof at about 3pm and finally got him to come to me about 5:30ish, so he wasn't out overnight, just a few hours.

So far Zilla is just jealous, but she is jealous of the cats, the beta fish, anyone who dares come into the office to talk to me, the phone (or whoever is on the other end of it) she even gets jealous of my kindle and my coloring book! I think she will come around, maybe even learn to get along??? or not... Either way he is safe and the rest can be dealt with as it comes.
Check with your state, but in most states there is no leg band requirement. And you dont cut it off yourself you have the vet do it. I know people who have every leg band removed simply because of the risks involved in having one.
Oh my gosh. That story made me cry. I am literally sitting here crying. Can you imagine opening the door and just shooing the bird out, then telling you to do the same if you don't want it? It makes me sick to think there are people who can be so cruel.
Oh my gosh. That story made me cry. I am literally sitting here crying. Can you imagine opening the door and just shooing the bird out, then telling you to do the same if you don't want it? It makes me sick to think there are people who can be so cruel.

I know crazy huh smh...grrrr! Not to mention he was friendly, so possibly very loved by the wife, maybe. Probably, why he took to Amanda so fast. If my husband gave me an ultimatum like that, I'd say "don't let the door smack you on your way out" I couldn't be with a cruel person like that.

When I rehomed Rio, I cried so hard, all he could do was hold me, there were no words. Ugh... Makes me sad... Anyway, he has the right home now.
Wow Amanda.. Just horrible. Sadly, I'm sure this happens more often than we realize. At least he was looking through ads (or saw a poster?) and decided to call you! At least you can be rest assured now that no one is missing and looking for him.

Removing the band is a good idea so he can't be claimed later, and for safety reasons as well. My vet hates bands and advises to get them cut off.

You know... THIS is why the birds you were considering before didn't work out. This Quaker was the one meant to be! :)

How do they know it's a boy?
Thanks for the support and advice everyone. I will get his band cut off and go through the proper channels to make him mine (or is that make me his?)

He doesn't like me as much as he used to. He has started to lung and try to bite me anytime I go near his cage now. I have chocked it up to his being through so much in such a short amount of time, and it sounds like maybe he didn't have the best of experiences in his previous home.

Not positive if he is a boy or not, but the owner of The Bird Hut said if he had to hazard a guess he would say it's a boy, so I'm going with that for now. Doesn't really matter to me either way.

He took a bath in his water dish yesterday, so I gave him a bowl in the bottom of the cage and he immediately dove in to splash away. He had a wonderful time soaking everything within 10 feet of his cage!

He has started giving me the "pretty girl" whistle and he is talking I just can't understand what he is saying yet. :rolleyes:
That really is a terrible situation. How sad for the wife and the bird. :(

In regards to the leg band, you can ask an avian vet to remove it. I had a couple vets tell me its ILLEGAL to do that (It isnt.. not here at least) but once I found an avian vet, not a small-animal vet, it was a simple process. I had my pionus' leg band cut off about a year ago.

Best of luck with your new friend, glad you found him, instead of someone else who would probably just "let him go again" or try and make a quick buck.
Absolutely ludicrous to abandon an animal like that. Shocking.

You are a wonderful, kind-hearted person to not only take the bird in, but expend as much effort and energy as you did to try and find its owner. Karma will win out in the end.

Gah. Makes me so mad.
Payday is Friday so I will be scheduling a vet check for bloodwork, I already had him in for just a general once over and to make sure I got the band numbers right. I will also be getting him a new/used cage. The Bird Hut already said they will make me a good deal on a decent cage (more because he loves Zilla and how I nursed her back to health, and how she likes to go hang out with him at the store than because I need one for the quaker)!

I didn't know you could cut the band off...is that legal?

I read the other day that here in Oregon the original owners have 180 days to show up wanting the animal before you can legally adopt. :eek: That's 6 months! I will be doing some more checking on that, might even have to call Mom's lawyer friend and see if there is a faster way.

I wouldn't cut the band off if it's not bothering his foot.

You're over thinking it...

He threw the bird out and left it to die. He's not coming back... I wouldn't lose sleep over it.

And this bird found you for a reason. This is destiny. You were chosen.

ERGO - I vote for the name "Destiny."
The cruelty of people always surprises me. I'm so happy you found the bird and that you are welcoming him into your flock.
Wow. I hope one day the wife realizes what a piece of trash he is and he meets the same fate as the bird (sans the someone else taking him in). Shoo that jerk right out the door!

I'm glad you were able to find the little guy and give him a good home! I hope one day him and miss Zilla will even become buddies;)
Amanda, what a strange twist in this story. I agree with Mark, after such a cruel act, I don't think you'll ever hear from this little guys previous owners again, and if you do, you've done nothing wrong, in fact you are the only good thing that's happened to this little one. At least you can stop searching for his concerned family.

I think you will love having a quaker and it wouldn't surprise me if the little guy makes friends with Zilla too.

Welcome to our flock, you lucky little quaker!!!
Funny thing is that I know next to nothing about Quakers! I will learn fast just like I did when I got Zilla, I knew nothing about Zons either.

He has decided he is related to a Rottweiler now, anytime I go near his cage he is there protecting it from me. Hopefully this will wear off in time so I can bring him out for some out of cage time. His bites don't really hurt, just pinches a bit, but doesn't break the skin, so I just do whatever I am there to do and talk softly to him. I've asked him what his name is but he just squawks at me.

He wants my attention, he whistles for me and says "Hello" "HELLO" "HEEEELLLOOO" and a bunch of other things I haven't been able to decipher yet.

He is very active and loves toys! This will be an experience since Zilla could really care less about toys. She wants them in her cage, but she rarely does anything but chew on rope or cardboard. He has liked every toy I have put in for him to try out!

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