I have a bit of a dilemma here


New member
Jan 9, 2010
McKinney, TX
Max - Alexandrine, Jade - Red-Front Macaw, Ruby - CAG
My Alexandrine, Max was an only bird for about 6 months, until we introduced Jade, our Red-Front Macaw, about 6 weeks ago. We were originally hoping that they'd learn to like each other enough to share a cage, but have since adjusted that to hoping they'll tolerate each other's presence on the same person/perch.

Max turned 1 year old in February and his previous owner had him in a cage with his older brother (from his parent’s previous clutch). Max was clipped when we got him, but we plan on leaving him fully flighted after he molts, to see how it goes. He wants to fly so badly!

Jade will be 1 year old in July, so she's still very rambunctious. She was hand-raised with her clutch-mate, another clutch of RFMs about the same age and a couple blue-throats. She's also fully flighted.

Here's the dilemma of several parts: Jade, although being my husband's bird, is more comfortable with me. And Max is my bird, although he loves my eldest son 2nd best. They both want my attention and tend to be a bit jealous of any attention I give the other, although Max seems to be a little more "active" in his resentment (he can even get jealous of my other family members). There hasn't been any serious aggession, but there has been open beaks and pinning - we keep a very close eye on them when they're together like that.

Add into the mix, that I've always wanted a CAG and the breeder who raised Jade, has a pair sitting on eggs. My wonderful husband has offered to get one for me.

The problem is that even though I really want a CAG, I feel that it would break Max's heart a little bit more if he had to share me with yet someone else. I spend as much time as I can with him, but Jade is very demanding in her want/need for attention.

My eldest son still lives at home while he finishes college, but has said that he'd be more than happy to take over with Max and hopes that Max will re-bond. He actually spends more time with Max than I do because of his class and work schedule, but Max still loves me best.

So, any suggestions? I want Max to be happy, but I've considered letting my son take him when he gets his own place anyway, because he doesn't seem to like being in a multi-bird family. I don't ever need to have a CAG, they've just always been very appealing to me and the more I learn about them, the more appealing they get. And there isn't any reason that we can't have all 3 birds, but I don't know how Max would do with that. Seriously, how wishy-washy do I sound?

Sorry, for the rediculously long post.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
United States
Pineapple & Sunshine--Gray/wildtype male cockatiels
I think that it is a good idea to let your son have Max, because he obviously doesn't want to share you any more than he already is. Putting in another bird could actually be a little dangerous for your relationship with him. If you really want a CAG, then deinitely consider giving Max to your son.

And don't apologize for the long post, I'm pretty bad about it too.


New member
Mar 4, 2010
Alexandrine's 2
Shrek (M) 2yrs
Fiona (F) 4yrs
Sorry to hear that Max is a little out of sorts. The Alexandrine's are a very adaptable bird and should have no trouble adjusting to life with your son, if that is the path he is destined to travel.
My Alex's live in the same cage by choice, we long ago put away the second cage because it was not being used. It took only a couple of weeks after we brought the second one home for them to both adjust to the changes and really start to get along. There was a little pinning and squawking the first day or two but as they grew more used to each other it diminished very quickly. There is still jealousy between the animals as all of them (birds and dogs) feel that they are the most important thing in the house but as long as they all get lots of playtime with us and each other they are pretty good.
You are a little braver then us in terms of letting them be fully flighted...remember if they get outside and into the trees look for the orange of the beak, its the only way I got my girl back. Now they stay a little more grounded.
Good Luck...S&F

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