I have been trying for 12 months and...


Jun 23, 2014
My cockatoo doesn't bite me but she doesn't really seem to look forward to playing with me. I've tried reading her stories (with a drama tone)but she ignores them, I tried getting her to play with a plastic ball but all she does is examine it and then ignore it. The only thing she likes to do is shred wooden blocks and paper. And she is actually really quiet . Whenever I come in the room she comes down to greet me and all she is interested in is chewing my clothes and she nips at my skin. She lets me touch her but I've been told petting a bird is not a good idea and I'm really disheartened as to what I'm doing wrong. I've tried clicker training. She also does not like to get out of her room unless none of my family members are not there but even then she is hesitant. I'm really confused, maybe I'm not interacting with her correctly? She won't even come on my hand. While clicker training, she follows my stick but when I put it out of reach to the point she has to get on my hand, she ignores it. Are there ways to interact with her to strengthen my bond? I play with her 1.5-2 hours. This would greatly increase if she wasn't so scared to come of her room.


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2013
U2-Poppy(Poppy lives with her new mommy, Misty now) CAG-Jack, YNA, Bingo, Budgie-Piper, Cockatiel-Sweet Pea Quakers-Harry, Sammy, Wilson ***Zeke (quaker) Twinkle (budgie) forever in our hearts
Hi there and welcome to the forum. Please tell us more about your bird. You didn't mention what species of cockatoo you have, how old she is, or how long she has lived with you. We would really love to see photos. :) :)

When you say she doesn't want to come out of her room, are you referring to her cage or your bedroom? If her cage is in a room separate from the family activity area of your home, maybe she's a little lonely. It can take a long time to build trust with a Too. Reading to her is a great way to get to know her, don't give up. It sounds like you have a friendly bird even if she's a bit shy.

Most toos love shredding paper and wood chew toys. Keep replacing her favorites. It sounds like she is making some progress with clicker training, that's good. Sometimes birds don't understand what it is you are asking them to do. Try to make her training time as enjoyable as possible, reward her with a favorite treat from your fingers and only use it during training. Find something she really likes doing. Do you play music for her, most toos are born dancers if you play the right music and of course, show her how to dance. Keep offering the ball, my Too didn't know what to do with his ball, but offering it to him every day, he learned to hold it in his fist, wind up for the throw, and toss it over his head. Does your girl talk? A lot of parrots love talking games.

I hope that helps a little. I will answer your pm too. :white1:
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New member
Feb 1, 2011
Antioch, TN
"Willie"&"Lola"B&G Macaw,
"Dixie"LSC2, and "Nico" Scarlet Macaw.
Clicker training doesn't work with all birds! It didn't work with Java the U2 either, he rather kill the clicker instead. When he knows I have the clicker, he won't even eat the treats, his favorite treats I give him. He'll just toss it and try to go after the clicker. Just be patient and keep on working with her. You can pet her, just watch where you pet her. They love to have their head rubbed. They can be trained, but it's not a easy process. That's why Cockatoos isn't for everyone, they can be quite complicated.


Jun 23, 2014
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She is a sulphur crested cockatoo.
I had her for 12 months
She gets skittish around people other than me.
I do read to her but she doesn't seem to pay attention.
One thing I noticed is that she likes it when I toss a stuffed animal and make the woo sound and then she goes crazy.
I am not sure what kind of music I should play for her, do you have any recommendations?
She loves destroying wooden blocks and paper!
I got her when she was 6-7 months old. She seemed really attached to the breeder.


Jun 23, 2014
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My cockatoo


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New member
Feb 1, 2011
Antioch, TN
"Willie"&"Lola"B&G Macaw,
"Dixie"LSC2, and "Nico" Scarlet Macaw.
They like to be talked to like children so play silly games, sing, make funny talk, play peekaboo, bell toys, etc. They're like children so you need to treat them like it. :)


Jun 23, 2014
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They like to be talked to like children so play silly games, sing, make funny talk, play peekaboo, bell toys, etc. They're like children so you need to treat them like it. :)

Oh, I don't talk a lot. I guess I should start talking more then.

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