I have to give my birds up due to health reasons...


New member
Apr 13, 2024
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Two sun conures
Long story short, I live with my parents and my dad has been having lung issues that are just progressively worsening. His doctor recently heard that we have birds in the house and told him they might actually be contributing to his condition worsening… I don’t want to rehome my birds, but I don’t want to be responsible for my father’s breathing problems getting worse. Unfortunately, I have no choice and just want some help. I may travel to you. I live in NY. Have two sun conures. I can tell you everything about them... So, if anyone is looking for conures or wondering about them you can ask away

Edit: They're two boy sun conures. One is named Tokio (3y) and the other is Rio (2y).
Tokio: Very cuddly and loves attention. He likes to hide in your hoodie/shirt and chill with you ALL DAY. very kind and very loving. He's very easy and gentle around you. Kind of a picky eater when it comes to vegetables but he's on Harrison's. He loves fruits, peas, corns, nuts dates. Loves baths. Knows how to spin on command and give kisses.

Rio: Very playful and always up to something! LOVESSS baths. Not a picky eater will eat everything! Loves to fly around and explore... he can step up on command, spin, and give kisses. He also mimics if you whisper and make certain noises. If you beatbox, he will dance lol.

I keep them out of their cage majority of the day just an FYI. My room is parrot proof. Rio loves to fly as much as possible.... he will fly outside and come back to you - though I would not take them outside as they are still in the early stages of harness training and should not be taken out without one on yet. I was in the process of teaching them to free flight, so Rio will fly off your shoulder if he's taken outside (he will fly back to you, but he needs extra attention if outside because of this). Since they're not accustomed to being in their cage that long, I would appreciate it if whomever took them in had the time or ability to have them outside of their cage a lot. They do sleep in their cage, so that's not something they will be against.
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Very surprised that the MD didn't recommend upgrading the furnace filter system and adding an air exchange system.
For lung fibrosis ? His condition had worsen these years
Long story short, I live with my parents and my dad has been having lung issues that are just progressively worsening. His doctor recently heard that we have birds in the house and told him they might actually be contributing to his condition worsening… I don’t want to rehome my birds, but I don’t want to be responsible for my father’s breathing problems getting worse. Unfortunately, I have no choice and just want some help. I may travel to you. I live in NY. Have two sun conures. I can tell you everything about them... So, if anyone is looking for conures or wondering about them you can ask away

Edit: They're two boy sun conures. One is named Tokio (3y) and the other is Rio (2y).
Tokio: Very cuddly and loves attention. He likes to hide in your hoodie/shirt and chill with you ALL DAY. very kind and very loving. He's very easy and gentle around you. Kind of a picky eater when it comes to vegetables but he's on Harrison's. He loves fruits, peas, corns, nuts dates. Loves baths. Knows how to spin on command and give kisses.

Rio: Very playful and always up to something! LOVESSS baths. Not a picky eater will eat everything! Loves to fly around and explore... he can step up on command, spin, and give kisses. He also mimics if you whisper and make certain noises. If you beatbox, he will dance lol.

I keep them out of their cage majority of the day just an FYI. My room is parrot proof. Rio loves to fly as much as possible.... he will fly outside and come back to you - though I would not take them outside as they are still in the early stages of harness training and should not be taken out without one on yet. I was in the process of teaching them to free flight, so Rio will fly off your shoulder if he's taken outside (he will fly back to you, but he needs extra attention if outside because of this). Since they're not accustomed to being in their cage that long, I would appreciate it if whomever took them in had the time or ability to have them outside of their cage a lot. They do sleep in their cage, so that's not something they will be against.
Very interested in adopting your conures I have a white faced Amazon hes 40 ish so I have some experience with birds I'm in pa
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Not sure my reply went thru been looking for another bird very interested in adopting your Conures, I've experienced with birds I right now have a white face Amazon he's older I've had cockatiels in the past I had a cockatoo as well email me I'm in PA if nobody else is replied and they're still looking for a home
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Just a reminder that it's not permitted to post personal contact or residential addresses on the open forum, in the interests of your online safety. There is a private messaging facility which members are able to access after they've amassed 10 posts on the forum. However until that time, should someone express an interest in adopting a bird, you can pass personal messages between each other via any member of the Mod team and we will be happy to relay them for you :)
Not sure my reply went thru been looking for another bird very interested in adopting your Conures, I've experienced with birds I right now have a white face Amazon he's older I've had cockatiels in the past I had a cockatoo as well email me I'm in PA if nobody else is replied and they're still looking for a home
Hello. I would love to talk to you and get to know more about your experience and why you want them. Just a few questions because i am a bit wary.
For lung fibrosis ? His condition had worsen these years
I’m very sorry you’re having to consider rehoming your birds because of your father’s health. I went through something similar with my mom ( who has asthma) years ago but we decided to try keeping the birds and modifying their living situation to minimize the chance of my mom coming into contact with bird allergens. I would never presume to tell anyone how they need to handle a situation like this where a family member’s health is potentially at risk, but I just wanted to let you know what we did in case you would want to try an alternative to rehoming.

Previously, my birds had free- flight of the whole house. After my mom’s condition worsened and we were told to get rid of the birds, we decided to try confining the birds to one room. I clean that room daily ( vacuum, dust, wipe down floor) and run an air purifier in there 24/7. My mom spends little time in this room and with the cleaning protocols it’s rare to even have a feather escape into the main area. I was worried about the birds adapting but they adjusted just fine. Taking these measures really did seem to make a big difference for my mom’s asthma.

Whatever you decide, I hope your father will see some improvement. Lung issues are very difficult. Wishing you, your birds, and your family all the best ❤️
Hello. I would love to talk to you and get to know more about your experience and why you want them. Just a few questions because i am a bit wary.
What would you like to know? I just seen a msg were not allowed to chat? Says we have to write 10 times on the forum before we can share personal info? Idk if you got my email says I'm not allowed to share personal contact ? Says we have to communicate thru a mod weird. I'm a mom if two older kids she's 19 an he's 21 so I have time in my hands so to speak. Why do I want to adopt? Because I don't want to go thru a breeder, not a pet store for obvious reason aka pet stores, I want to re-home a bird or birds that need a home not someone that's looking to just make money, there are lots of birds out there that need a new home a second chance so to speak. I adopted a greyhound from the tracks years ago that would of been euthanized because he was no longer a good runner so I gave him his bestest life I could.
What would you like to know? I just seen a msg were not allowed to chat? Says we have to write 10 times on the forum before we can share personal info? Idk if you got my email says I'm not allowed to share personal contact ? Says we have to communicate thru a mod weird. I'm a mom if two older kids she's 19 an he's 21 so I have time in my hands so to speak. Why do I want to adopt? Because I don't want to go thru a breeder, not a pet store for obvious reason aka pet stores, I want to re-home a bird or birds that need a home not someone that's looking to just make money, there are lots of birds out there that need a new home a second chance so to speak. I adopted a greyhound from the tracks years ago that would of been euthanized because he was no longer a good runner so I gave him his bestest life I could.

@Kkcherries, please note you ARE allowed to chat, simply that newer members do not have access to the PM system until they have 10 posts on the forum. As mentioned, in the meantime please send me or any other member of the Mod team a private message and we will be happy to relay them on your behalf :)
What would you like to know? I just seen a msg were not allowed to chat? Says we have to write 10 times on the forum before we can share personal info? Idk if you got my email says I'm not allowed to share personal contact ? Says we have to communicate thru a mod weird. I'm a mom if two older kids she's 19 an he's 21 so I have time in my hands so to speak. Why do I want to adopt? Because I don't want to go thru a breeder, not a pet store for obvious reason aka pet stores, I want to re-home a bird or birds that need a home not someone that's looking to just make money, there are lots of birds out there that need a new home a second chance so to speak. I adopted a greyhound from the tracks years ago that would of been euthanized because he was no longer a good runner so I gave him his bestest life I could.
As the post below you that you noticed it does that, we can't directly message each other yet. I do need to know your name, if your house is suitable, as well as references. For privacy reasons as well, I would like to somehow message you another way. I can send you a link to my avian avenue account? which is a different website like this one. Or other platforms? can you tell me more about your bird and how long have you had him/her?
Well I live in a 3 bedroom house lived here for 12 years my bird Burt is 44 had him since he was 3 he is a white faced Amazon an I love him like he's my child. I give him fresh fruit an veggies 3 times a day an he has seeds as well he cuddles with me an basically goes where I go when he's in the mood. My name is Kelley I'm 51 . I recently just lost my Stanley a cat he was 17 an him a Burt were fine together. I would rather go thru email I think it's easier to chat than these forums, but if u still rather send me a link to another forum that's fine.
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Hi @zairran, I have sent you @Kkcherries email address via private message, so please check your inbox for details :)
I haven't gotten a response yet. I'm stilll looking
I have wrote this twice now not sure what happened to my last post to u😕 I realize birds are loud , when Burt wants something he lets me know by screaming an when I come home from work he tells me his day in his own language lol. I realize it's going to take some time for them to trust me an for them to make friends with me an I won't give up. I wouldn't put Burt an your birds in the same cage ever they would always have there own domain I would put cages near one another so they can meet an hopefully become friends
I have never sold a bird I only have Burt he would be lost without me. Why I'm looking to adopt is in totally against pet stores an breeders one of the reasons why there are so many that need a home I wouldn't give in to the naritive people just looking to make a buck . I just want to adopt a bird or in your sake two birds that need a loving home that need a second chance so to speak. If I don't hear from you before Christmas, have a Merry Christmas
Long story short, I live with my parents and my dad has been having lung issues that are just progressively worsening. His doctor recently heard that we have birds in the house and told him they might actually be contributing to his condition worsening… I don’t want to rehome my birds, but I don’t want to be responsible for my father’s breathing problems getting worse. Unfortunately, I have no choice and just want some help. I may travel to you. I live in NY. Have two sun conures. I can tell you everything about them... So, if anyone is looking for conures or wondering about them you can ask away

Edit: They're two boy sun conures. One is named Tokio (3y) and the other is Rio (2y).
Tokio: Very cuddly and loves attention. He likes to hide in your hoodie/shirt and chill with you ALL DAY. very kind and very loving. He's very easy and gentle around you. Kind of a picky eater when it comes to vegetables but he's on Harrison's. He loves fruits, peas, corns, nuts dates. Loves baths. Knows how to spin on command and give kisses.

Rio: Very playful and always up to something! LOVESSS baths. Not a picky eater will eat everything! Loves to fly around and explore... he can step up on command, spin, and give kisses. He also mimics if you whisper and make certain noises. If you beatbox, he will dance lol.

I keep them out of their cage majority of the day just an FYI. My room is parrot proof. Rio loves to fly as much as possible.... he will fly outside and come back to you - though I would not take them outside as they are still in the early stages of harness training and should not be taken out without one on yet. I was in the process of teaching them to free flight, so Rio will fly off your shoulder if he's taken outside (he will fly back to you, but he needs extra attention if outside because of this). Since they're not accustomed to being in their cage that long, I would appreciate it if whomever took them in had the time or ability to have them outside of their cage a lot. They do sleep in their cage, so that's not something they will be against.
Hi, Sorry to hear this. Before giving your little boys away, please vet carefully. Another solution is contacting avian shelters. If you're in driving distance to NJ, there are a couple avian shelters that can recommend. "A Lonely Grey" may take in conures, " A Helping Wing" is another. Please call them first before giving your conures away.
I have never sold a bird I only have Burt he would be lost without me. Why I'm looking to adopt is in totally against pet stores an breeders one of the reasons why there are so many that need a home I wouldn't give in to the naritive people just looking to make a buck . I just want to adopt a bird or in your sake two birds that need a loving home that need a second chance so to speak. If I don't hear from you before Christmas, have a Merry Christmas
Hello, Merry Christmas. I would like to meet you in person if possible. I will try to text you my email if possible. Lmk if you message the email here.
I was told to share email you have to send it to a mod an she/he will relay the messages

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