I need help sexing this budgie.


New member
Oct 16, 2023
I've never owned any birds before and like 2-3 days ago i saw a very sick budgie and got it. Its light green spangle and the pet shop owner said its a adult female. It has eye infection, diarrhea, ratty tail, swollen vent and it moves its head weirdly like it got stroke before and its pooping yellow liquid all the time too and it has lice. We dont have any vets or specific meds for those stuff but im still treating it with human meds. The bird is scared when i touch it but it perches on my hand. It have white cere but also have black marks like baby budgies.
I wouldn't worry about sexing it at this point. Are there no vets you can get it to? What human meds are you using? There's a supplement called guardian angel that's quite popular to use for sick birds, I don't know where you live but could you try and get some of that to help this budgie?
I've never owned any birds before and like 2-3 days ago i saw a very sick budgie and got it. Its light green spangle and the pet shop owner said its a adult female. It has eye infection, diarrhea, ratty tail, swollen vent and it moves its head weirdly like it got stroke before and its pooping yellow liquid all the time too and it has lice. We dont have any vets or specific meds for those stuff but im still treating it with human meds. The bird is scared when i touch it but it perches on my hand. It have white cere but also have black marks like baby budgies.
Need a picture.
Propbably female but get that bird to a vet....
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I wouldn't worry about sexing it at this point. Are there no vets you can get it to? What human meds are you using? There's a supplement called guardian angel that's quite popular to use for sick birds, I don't know where you live but could you try and get some of that to help this budgie?
The vets here even know nothing about cats n dogs and often give wrong meds ive lost many pets like this you can literally become a vet by studying fishery science the human meds im giving is ciplox d eye drops, ors, bird vitamin. Unfortunately it turns out this bird have respiratory infection all the symptoms match including voice change. Its sitting in the bottom of the cage puffed up and very thin i can feel the bones breathing from mouth and bobbing tail and didnt eat any seeds or water from morning because i couldnt find any seed husks i also got a blue baby male but looks like the bird will pass away very soon.
The vets here even know nothing about cats n dogs and often give wrong meds ive lost many pets like this you can literally become a vet by studying fishery science the human meds im giving is ciplox d eye drops, ors, bird vitamin. Unfortunately it turns out this bird have respiratory infection all the symptoms match including voice change. Its sitting in the bottom of the cage puffed up and very thin i can feel the bones breathing from mouth and bobbing tail and didnt eat any seeds or water from morning because i couldnt find any seed husks i also got a blue baby male but looks like the bird will pass away very soon.
Very likely it will die and I hope it's soon because it's obviously suffering. Trying to treat seriously I'll birds yourself is usually futile. Even the best avian vets have difficulty when a bird is so obviously very sick.

I hope you have been keeping the baby male separate from the sick budgie. Sanitize everything (perches, cages, toys, dishes, bowls) the sick bird came in contact with and thoroughly rinse off any cleaning solutions.
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Very likely it will die and I hope it's soon because it's obviously suffering. Trying to treat seriously I'll birds yourself is usually futile. Even the best avian vets have difficulty when a bird is so obviously very sick.

I hope you have been keeping the baby male separate from the sick budgie. Sanitize everything (perches, cages, toys, dishes, bowls) the sick bird came in contact with and thoroughly rinse off any cleaning solutions.
I dont have more cages the male is staying with the sick budgie and the sick budgie has symptoms of respiratory infections
I dont have more cages the male is staying with the sick budgie and the sick budgie has symptoms of respiratory infections
That's very unfortunate. I hope the male doesn't get sick, too. Don't get any more birds until at least a month after the sick one dies and only if the male you have is looking very healthy. If you do get any more birds you really should try to get a second cage. Birds sometimes need to be separated because they don't get along or if one gets sick. A used cage, thoroughly cleaned and sanitized, would be fine.
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That's very unfortunate. I hope the male doesn't get sick, too. Don't get any more birds until at least a month after the sick one dies and only if the male you have is looking very healthy. If you do get any more birds you really should try to get a second cage. Birds sometimes need to be separated because they don't get along or if one gets sick. A used cage, thoroughly cleaned and sanitized, would be fine.
Its 6 am now and i found the budgie dead inside its cage mom says it passed away 6 hours ago but i was asleep so she didnt tell me anything
So sorry to hear this 😢. At least this little bird died safe and cared for and is no longer suffering. Be sure to clean the cage, perches, toys, and dishes to kill off germs and bacteria from the sick bird. And spend extra time with the other bird as he will no doubt feel lonely without his cage mate.
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So sorry to hear this 😢. At least this little bird died safe and cared for and is no longer suffering. Be sure to clean the cage, perches, toys, and dishes to kill off germs and bacteria from the sick bird. And spend extra time with the other bird as he will no doubt feel lonely without his cage mate.
Yes I stay at home so I'm gonna spend like 4 hours with this bird and i ordered bird toys too. I'll get another one next year after my finals are over. IMG_20231018_084741.jpg
I've never owned any birds before and like 2-3 days ago i saw a very sick budgie and got it. Its light green spangle and the pet shop owner said its a adult female. It has eye infection, diarrhea, ratty tail, swollen vent and it moves its head weirdly like it got stroke before and its pooping yellow liquid all the time too and it has lice. We dont have any vets or specific meds for those stuff but im still treating it with human meds. The bird is scared when i touch it but it perches on my hand. It have white cere but also have black marks like baby budgies.
I have a old female she has a white cere sounds to me like you have a old female on your hands
The vets here even know nothing about cats n dogs and often give wrong meds ive lost many pets like this you can literally become a vet by studying fishery science the human meds im giving is ciplox d eye drops, ors, bird vitamin. Unfortunately it turns out this bird have respiratory infection all the symptoms match including voice change. Its sitting in the bottom of the cage puffed up and very thin i can feel the bones breathing from mouth and bobbing tail and didnt eat any seeds or water from morning because i couldnt find any seed husks i also got a blue baby male but looks like the bird will pass away very soon.
I don't know much but I've heard that if a bird is sitting around with it's feathers puffed or fluffed it's likely cold. You can clip a heating pad to the one side of the cage on the outside of the bars and keep it turned on at all times. Low or medium low heat only. Or you can buy a bird cage mounted heater. If the bird is resting only on the bottom of the cage, line the bottom with paper towels for comfort. Clip the heating pad or mount the heater at the bottom of the cage on one side only so that the bird can move away if it feels too warm. Good luck and God bless you for trying. This poor bird may not last long so please prepare yourself for that.

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