I Need Some Info on Parakeets!

Abby c

New member
Feb 23, 2024
Non yet
Hi everyone, I am trying this out for the first time so bear with me. I am looking to buy myself a parakeet. I am currently doing lots of research on them and there are a few questions I have….
  1. Do I need two parakeets so they don’t get lonely?
I’ve been reading a lot of websites that say you should have two because one will get lonely. The problem is that two parakeets are much more expensive to buy and take care of then one, so I don’t want to buy two if I don’t need to. Also, I know it's a lot harder to bond with two parakeets then one, especially at the same time and I really want to have a strong relationship with my bird/s. A few of my family members have said that they had one by itself and it was happy and great ... .until they bought a second one for it to be friends with(My mom had a parakeet and when she got a second one, it bullied her first bird so much it quit chirping). So if y'all have any ideas, please tell me.

  1. What gender bird/s are the best to get together if I buy two?
Some websites say that two females fight all the time(because they are the dominant sex) but two males do great together. I would ideally like to have a male and a female if I end up buying two………..but I am definitely not up to taking care of babies. So any thoughts are appreciated.

Sorry about all the questions, I want to do it right the first time and not get stuck with more than I can handle because these birds live so long and I want them to be happy and to be able to take care of them and handle the responsibility well.

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Hello i have one male budgie i bought from the pet store and he is so sweet . i find male birds are nicer . i only have one budgie because they tend to bond if u have 2 and then they won’t want a relationship with u so as long as u spend lots of time with him it’s fine
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Hello i have one male budgie i bought from the pet store and he is so sweet . i find male birds are nicer . i only have one budgie because they tend to bond if u have 2 and then they won’t want a relationship with u so as long as u spend lots of time with him it’s fine
Hi! This post might be a bit long but I want to share as much information as possible
Hi everyone, I am trying this out for the first time so bear with me. I am looking to buy myself a parakeet. I am currently doing lots of research on them and there are a few questions I have….
  1. Do I need two parakeets so they don’t get lonely?
I’ve been reading a lot of websites that say you should have two because one will get lonely. The problem is that two parakeets are much more expensive to buy and take care of then one, so I don’t want to buy two if I don’t need to. Also, I know it's a lot harder to bond with two parakeets then one, especially at the same time and I really want to have a strong relationship with my bird/s. A few of my family members have said that they had one by itself and it was happy and great ... .until they bought a second one for it to be friends with(My mom had a parakeet and when she got a second one, it bullied her first bird so much it quit chirping). So if y'all have any ideas, please tell me.
I suggest getting two. Although one budgie can be very happy, if you aren't home all day it will get lonely, as budgies are very social birds. As long as you give both birds a lot of attention, they'll still have a bond with you.

If you have a bird that has been alone for a long time, it might react negatively to a new friend. It depends on the bird itself, though.

If you want to buy two, keep them separate at first and build a bond with them before putting them together. Otherwise it will be difficult to tame them. Then, introduce them slowly so that they get used to each other first before living in the same cage.
  1. What gender bird/s are the best to get together if I buy two?
Some websites say that two females fight all the time(because they are the dominant sex) but two males do great together. I would ideally like to have a male and a female if I end up buying two………..but I am definitely not up to taking care of babies. So any thoughts are appreciated.

Sorry about all the questions, I want to do it right the first time and not get stuck with more than I can handle because these birds live so long and I want them to be happy and to be able to take care of them and handle the responsibility well.

Personally, I've found that some females can be friendly together. However, if you want to be safe, I suggest keeping two males. Male and female work very well but there is the risk of breeding.

If you plan on keeping budgies of the opposite sex, then avoid an environment suitable for breeding. For example, don't have any dark and enclosed areas inside the cage(so no huts or tents! This applies regardless of whether you're keeping birds of the opposite sex). Try not to feed too much protein filled foods as this encourages breeding. There's a lot more things but these are what I can think of right now.

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask! I'm more than happy to help :)
Hello i have one male budgie i bought from the pet store and he is so sweet . i find male birds are nicer . i only have one budgie because they tend to bond if u have 2 and then they won’t want a relationship with u so as long as u spend lots of time with him it’s fine
Some females are very nice too! I have a white female budgie and she is very sweet. I also had an albino female budgie who loved being pet and cuddled and never bit. It is possible to bond with multiple birds but it is a bit more difficult.
I'm with those who say two 'keets would be a good choice. That way they can keep eachother company (I know, I'm beating a dead horse, here, LOL). You have a better chance of bonding with them if they're kept in separate cages. As for what's nicer, male or female, I've had luck with both sexes.

Good luck on your birdy adventure! :D
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Hi! This post might be a bit long but I want to share as much information as possible

I suggest getting two. Although one budgie can be very happy, if you aren't home all day it will get lonely, as budgies are very social birds. As long as you give both birds a lot of attention, they'll still have a bond with you.

If you have a bird that has been alone for a long time, it might react negatively to a new friend. It depends on the bird itself, though.

If you want to buy two, keep them separate at first and build a bond with them before putting them together. Otherwise it will be difficult to tame them. Then, introduce them slowly so that they get used to each other first before living in the same cage.

Personally, I've found that some females can be friendly together. However, if you want to be safe, I suggest keeping two males. Male and female work very well but there is the risk of breeding.

If you plan on keeping budgies of the opposite sex, then avoid an environment suitable for breeding. For example, don't have any dark and enclosed areas inside the cage(so no huts or tents! This applies regardless of whether you're keeping birds of the opposite sex). Try not to feed too much protein filled foods as this encourages breeding. There's a lot more things but these are what I can think of right now.

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask! I'm more than happy to help :)
Thank you!

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