I’m confuse and maybe so is Tulsi?


Oct 17, 2023
Tusli= Black-Capped Conure x1
Okay- we’ve had her 5wks and she’s done very well. I understand from the shop we bought her she was hand raised until 9mo when the pet store got her. Who knows but I can assume she was because she’s very comfortable with/on us. She has fit in well, I’m (we’re) learning her body language etc. But I’m confused about something…. When she’s playing outside her McMansion, playing on it or her perches, she will fly to me or my husband and sometimes she’s sweet, playful (nicely), even cuddly and wants preened and preens me or him; but other times she flies to us or climbs on us and just starts biting. Full on velociraptor mode sometimes. Where it’s like “hey hey, you came to me, what are you biting me for??”
Can anyone fill me in on the possibilities as to maybe why?
Is there any type of pattern when she is biting? Are you holding an object that could be scary?
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Is there any type of pattern when she is biting? Are you holding an object that could be scary?
Not that I can think of. She’ll be outside her house, or on the stand/perch we built outside her cage, flies to us because we’re close enough, lands and just starts nibbling. She’s not hurting ME most of the time; it’s more really annoying and I don’t know if she’s saying ‘hey where ya been?!” or what. I try to observe what’s going on but she literally turns into my little velociraptor in that moment 😂
Now -she does bite my husband pretty hard 9x out of 10. 🤷🏻‍♀️😂
Other times I’m in the further away, in the dining room or kitchen, and she’ll fly as close as she can to one of us, land on the ground so I’ll pick her up (or my husband will) and she will just start biting. Sometimes she does it when she’s trying to play, throwing herself around, flipping etc. (it’s actually funny when she does those antics) and sometimes she literally just starts biting. I try to distract her when she’s in play-mode-biting because I don’t want her thinking biting is a form of play.
Honestly, most times she’s cuddly, lovey, wants scratched/preened etc.

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