Confusing birdie

May 9, 2024
1 Cinnamon Green Cheek Conure
I've had Ellie for three weeks now and she's five, almost six months old. She does this thing whenever I set her on her playset she calls out for me so I walk over to her and she straight up nips at me? it's never a bite bite but it's a firm nibble. I always make sure to read her body language and not do anything that might upset her, but she still nips at me. it's a cycle and confusing she calls for me only to nip at me so am I doing something wrong? is she just trying to play or something?
IF it doesn't hurt.....its play, Conures if they want to hurt can HURT! I'd say it just want's you to sit near the play station.
May be time to teach a few boundaries - no one wants to play with or be near a parrot that is unpredictable in nipping and biting.
Are you sure it’s a nip and not just using the beak for balance to try to step up? She could be upset that you put her down and is nipping to let you know it. If she does this a lot I would stop coming over to her when she calls. Wait until she gets quiet and calm, then immediately approach and offer a step up.
I've had Ellie for three weeks now and she's five, almost six months old. She does this thing whenever I set her on her playset she calls out for me so I walk over to her and she straight up nips at me? it's never a bite bite but it's a firm nibble. I always make sure to read her body language and not do anything that might upset her, but she still nips at me. it's a cycle and confusing she calls for me only to nip at me so am I doing something wrong? is she just trying to play or something?
I know what you mean, my bird does this sometimes too. I think they might be playing, but if it hurts, just let them play in their cage for a while and give them another chance to come out later.

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