im excited


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2016
Lincoln (Eclectus), Apollo (Cockatiel), Aster (GCC)
Went to a craft store to find some things I could give to Lincoln and I found one of those little shopping carts I always see videos of parrots pushing around and I can't wait to start training him to do that (Anyone have tips on HOW exactly to do it?) Also got a handful of other random things and also ordered some stuff online.

Cool beans! Lincoln is in for some new toys!

Salty does the shopping cart trick. Check out some of the Salty Parrot Tricks on my Youtube channel - link below. We use cooperative instruction onmost new tricks. Hint - make sure the cart has enough weight so that Lincoln does not tip it over sideways. So first I show him what I want him to do a few times. Then I lead him to the handle with a treat and we both pushed the cart. Treat. Do that a few times. Then gradually my involvement at the handle is less and less. Once he knows to push it himself - lead him to push it himself - leading him on with the treat . Think carrot and the stick. Eventually you hold the treat in one hand and use the other to to keep the cart going in a straight line. Anytime he does something close to what the trick requires treat him and praise. Try to end any training - either individual trick or the whole session - on a positive note. Try to establish a set time for trick training and do it every night - I bet Lincoln will appreciate it. Good Luck !
LOL, I just laughed out loud...About 3 or 4 years ago I ordered 2 of those little "shopping-carts" from eBay for like $2 a piece shipped, a green one and a purple one..My Senegal has one inside of his cage that for whatever reason, I didn't teach him this, whenever I give him a whole almond or Brazil Nut as a treat, he puts them in his "shopping cart", and then when he wants them he goes and gets one out of the cart. Now if I could only teach him to put the empty shells back into the cart instead of throwing them all over the house....

The other one is underneath his PVC play-gym, on the piece of plywood I have underneath it, and he does "try" to push it around, as already mentioned it does work a lot better if it has weight inside of it...Kane is constantly flipping it over anyway, then he looks at me and starts calling me to come and flip it back over, and you can imagine how this goes on and on..
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Yeah they were I think 3 or 4$ t the craft store and came in a lot of different colors but green to match a green bird, right?

I have yet to try and train Lincoln with it though but I have introduced it to him so he's not scared of it. He just nibbled on it a little.

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