Input about car travel with your conure!!


Sep 24, 2020
One Green Cheek Conure
Hi all,
My conure loves riding in the car and we are thinking about taking him with us for a short visit just outside of Chicago. We have a mesh tent for inside our car that both the bird and I can sit under and he can be out while we drive. We have done it before. It works great. He loves it!! Loves. He is fully flighted and I am VERY VERY careful. Traveled with a fully flighted conure before. I have a bird backpack that he can go into when we exit the car, etc.
My biggest concerns - him flying at the Air BnB - we would bird proof it - but he has no fear just FLYING when he goes into a new environment. Do I have to worry about him hitting a wall or a light? He just F-L-I-E-S.
Do I have to worry about VOCs - renovations or bug spraying, etc.? I have a filtration system I can bring with.
We will drive one day - 5.5 hours, stay overnight two nights, and then drive back 5.5 hours for the return. Thanks all.
SO I would ask the hotel when the last renovation was done. And when you check in, take the bird around the room on your hand, let him tap on the walls and windows etc with his beak, to know they are solid. Be careful going onto balconies!
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SO I would ask the hotel when the last renovation was done. And when you check in, take the bird around the room on your hand, let him tap on the walls and windows etc with his beak, to know they are solid. Be careful going onto balconies!
They said there was a renovation 1.5 years ago.
No worries then. If stuff is still outgassing 1-1/2 years later, we are all doomed!

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