Introducing two new parrots?


New member
May 25, 2017
Hello! Been lurking these forums for a year or so and I've finally come out with a question.

I currently have two green cheeks, a turquoise named Puzzles and a cinnamon turquoise named Riddles. We adopted Puzzles when it was 6 months old and now it's three, then adopted Riddles last month at 9 months old. They are both of very mild and docile temperament. The love they received from their breeders shine through their sweet personality.

They're currently in separate cages in adjacent rooms, and have interacted with each other on a play stand a couple times. So far so good! My hopes are they will eventually house in the same cage together. But if they don't develop that kind of bond that's fine too!

Just recently, a good friend's step mother had passed away. She had a parrotlet that misses her dearly, as it refuses interaction with her husband and my friend. They're looking to re-home her and had asked if I could take care of it, as they'd feel better if it went to someone they knew and had some bird experience.

My questions are: How does one introduce two birds at the same time? Should I wait until I fully introduce Riddles with Puzzles, then introduce the parrotlet? Or should I introduce them all at the same time? I'd also like to hear any tips from someone who has both green cheek(s) and parrotlet(s). Can they get along well? Should I not try to home the parrotlet with my conures?


First: Remember that new parrots joining the family should always be separated for at least 30 days and be Vet Checked before they have any contact with any of the other Parrots.

Second: It is never a good idea to place Parrots in the same cage. Yes, there are endless stories of Parrots living together for years with no problems. Then there are the events when one parrot for whatever reason does serious damage to the other parrot after extended time with each other. I do not know how 'Lady Luck' is with you, but I elect not to gamble!
I have a green cheek and parrotlets. Myself, I would be very careful introducing the parrotlet to the green cheeks even on a play stand together. Never in an enclosed space. Parrotlets are very assertive and have no problem trying to attack much larger birds that are in their space.

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Welcome, dear lurker!
Glad you finally joined up! Lurking no more!
Yup, parrotlets are known for taking on much bigger birds and winning.
Before I got Bumble, my Parrotlet, I talked with a few breeders looking for the right one and more than one of them told me that plets make good only birds.

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Thank you for all of your replies!

I have gotten my two conures vet checked but not sexed, and wasn't aware of the 30 day rule. Luckily they haven't shown any aggression yet. Their first interaction was actually an accident- Puzzles flew straight on to my new conure's cage right as I opened her/his door. They just stared at each other for a few seconds then became uninterested. Hoping that's a good sign. :33:

I will likely take the advice and not adopt the parrotlet. They sound like a bundle of fun but would probably be happier being the only birdie. If parrotlets are assertive, my two conures would definitely be pushovers and get stressed out. It's hard to resist, such a cute little guy!
Parrotlets are very assertive and have no problem trying to attack much larger birds that are in their space.

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In my limited experience, I have found the same to be true of Green Cheeks. I have to watch Tillie closely. She'll fly over to Jasper's play gym to pick a fight.:eek:
I have found out the hard way that parrots are very much like people.. some get along fine.. others.. don't.. for whatever reason. Maybe they think they smell funny or something.
I once had a sun conure called Snarf and we wanted to get a companion for her. We talked to a breeder, who suggested another pre-owned conure that might be a better match as the one we were looking at was closer in age, but hadn't been hand reared. He was a gorgeous sun conure but very much an aviary bird. We decided to go for the one closer in age as we thought.. hey.. we can win him over. But that wasn't the problem.. Snarf did not want to have anything to do with him. We kept him for a week but it very quickly became clear that they were never going to be best buds. Luckily the breeder was very reasonable so they agreed to "swap" to the pre-owned conure (the other sun seemed SO happy to be back with his brothers when we brought him back). As we brought him (now Sebastian) home (we didn't know about the 30 day rule either) we let them out the same time the next day and they were inseparable from the get go. So long story short.. you really can't tell and it makes sense you can't.. they are complex little entities just like people are.

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