Is my conure plucking or molting

Mar 23, 2020
One pineapple conure
2 Budgies
Hey, I’m new and really need help. I’m not sure if I’m using this right but yesterday I noticed my conure was missing feathers on his neck. It looks really odd and these little white strands now there. He is really happy and active so if it is plucking I’m not sure why. I would like to take him to the vet but before of this virus I’m not sure I can. I’d really appreciate if someone could tell me if it is plucking and maybe suggest a reason why.


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I would definitely take him to the vet. Lack of pinfeathers and the shear amount in one area indicates me that he may be plucking but you can't know for sure without a vet visit.
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It’s just it’s really hard to go anywhere right now because of the virus so I was hoping there would be something I could do from home. Would you suggest any reasons for him plucking? I always thought plucking was from stress but he’s very happy.
Are the white strands pin feathers? Sometimes a bird can look patchy during a molt. But I've increases offer foods with more protein during molt and have never had that problem since. Like scrambled eggs, boiled chicken, walnut, other nuts, giving a few extra seeds.
How old is your bird? What do you feed? Is your bird picking up on your stress? How much out if the cage time? Cage placement of? Tons if easy to destroy stuff? Mine like yucca chips, paper, cardboard, those shredders rolls, likes untie knots. Offer more baths. Feed hot chili peppers, good source of vitamin A and well liked by parrots, dried ones still have vitamin A

That is common area to start plucking. But also can indicate an isuue with crop, like impaction from threads and fluff, or yeast overgrowth.
You can offer a little fresh just opened live culture yogurt, with no artificial sweeteners. Mine get some when ever I eat yogurt. Will help if there is an imbalance. Helped my GCC get over a yeast infection. Learned here from other member! One if the best tips!

Welcome to the forum! Beauty GCC! Love the color!!
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Have you had a really good look for anything on his skin? How old is he. Mine is moulting heavily at present so how long have you had him? Do you think he is stressed about anything? More detail might help and can you get a clearer photo? Where are you?
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They aren’t pin feathers, they are like just thin white feathers but the feathers he had there weren’t white. He loves walnuts and eats them very often and sometimes steals my budgies seeds. He eats many fruits so I’m not too concerned. He is 2 years old and we feed him pellets with a bag of mixed foods (like nuts, raisins,) I don’t think my family has been too stressed around him, we are always acting cheerful around him. One thing is since work and schools are closed my entire family has been home so he’s been out of the cage most of the day. Usually he spends a couple more hours in the cage. His cage is in the living room. We have been giving more baths because I heard plucking could be from dryness. About toys he only likes a couple but we have ordered some more of the kind he likes. Thank you for the advice.
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What should I be looking for when I look at his skin? He is 2 years old and I’ve had him for two years. I don’t believe he is stressed about anything because he usually gets stressed if he is in the cage since he’s very attached to everyone in my family and also if he we leave the house but we have all been home now and he’s been spending more time with us out of the cage. I can’t think of anything that would stress him out. We are from Ontario Canada.
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I’ve attached a clearer photo.


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Make sure he isn't getting over handled. Need frequent breaks for food and water.

Make sure you don't have the alcohol gel residual on hands.

Veggies are better than fruit. The sugar in fruit can lead to imbalance in GI and yeast overgrowth.
The white is probably the feather shaft, and he is Stripling his feathers.

It looks like over preening. Make sure soap on hand, no alcohol gel on hands, rinsce good.

Keep food and water near if he is out a lot. Birds graze all day. Make sure bedtime is the same and getting 10 hours if sleep. Might need a break during the day for a nap. Birds are sensitive to changes in routine.
Yes a really good point. If suddenly he is more active around everyone he may not be getting his normal rest. I always makes sure that Syd gets cage time just to rest and often after lunch he will sleep for maybe an hour. Remember he is like a small child and will want to play all day regardless of how tired he might be. Make sure your hands are really clean from the sanitisers before you handle him, and perhaps give him some quiet time like any baby.
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Thank you so much. We do have a bird stand with food and water which is flys to if he is hungry and eats. He also does get plenty of sleep and starts calling for us very early in the morning. I do try to put him in the cage for breaks during the day but he starts screaming really loud until we take him out again. It’s really hard to keep him in the cage because he always wants to be out.
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How do you tell the difference between plucking and preening? He was preening again and I noticed a bald spot under his wing! I’m very concerned for plucking now. Because of the outbreak the vet I usually go to is closed but there is one open but they didn’t seem too experienced with birds the first time I took him there. They are the only other place that look at birds close to me, does it look concerning?


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I see pin feathers under the wing so he might just be having a heavy molt. Definitely keep an eye on him and give regular showers to help with itchy-ness. If his appearance doesn't change or has worsened by the time the quarantine has lifted, do take him to the vet!
It's hard to tell if that is near the vent, it under the wing.......can you add a couple more pictures?

Preening they do slot that's fine, if the bite off part of a feather, or pull out a feather that's not normal. Sometimes a feather comes out with normal preen.
Is your bird DNA sexed as a boy? This is homonal time, for both sexes...
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It is under his wing not near his vent and yes I did have a DNA test done. He is a male. I was just wondering how can I tell the difference between plucking and preening while he is doing it. I don’t think I have seen him pluck because it looks like preening but he was “preening” the area around his neck where there are feathers missing and another one came out. It doesn’t look like plucking, at least I think, but I’m just confused why he’s missing his feathers all in that one area.
Welcome to you and your conure! Great advice above, an eventual visit with certified avian vet will put your mind at ease.

Agree with the preceding advice. Preening is normal behavior while plucking is one of the most difficult to manage. Some birds "overpreen" resulting in a "Christmas tree" appearance of the individual feather.
Hopefully he is not plucking; you may find this thread interesting:
Your bird is so cute! I think everyone gave great advice. Every year when we hit summer and Pepper starts molting, I get scared too. His molting is always on and off, and when he’s actively molting, the bottom of his cage becomes a big bowl of feathers. He becomes grumpy and itchy, and sometimes the back of his neck and head look like pin cushions. I hope your bird is just having a hard molt. Keep us posted.
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I took him to the bird store we got him from since the vet we usually go to is closed due to the virus but this guy is very experienced seeing as he does breed the birds. He said that Robin is plucking and probably either because of dryness or he is not eating enough of his pellets. We bought this spray that’s supposed to help with any skin irritations since he doesn’t want to start any treatments yet. We also have been giving lots of chewing toys since he said Robin is chewing his feathers too. I’m desperately hoping this all works.

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