Is my kakariki sick??


New member
Mar 9, 2012
Virginia, U.S.
Kakariki (Kirby) Cockatiel (Shiro) Jenday Conure (Jojo)
Hi all. I am really scared. Like I said in my last topic, my three cats and dog probably have giardia. Now Kirby might be sick too. When I came in he ruffled his feathers and started wobbling around on his perch. Like, he kept lifting his wing, stumbling, then waving his wings. I went to wash my hands quickly so I could help and when I came back he was done. He has also been very angry with me the last couple of days. He won't let me touch him. He started acting normal afterwards (although still having random bites at me)
When he lifted his tail a part beneath his tail was bald. It looked plucked.

What should I do? Maybe he has giardia, or could he just be having a bad molt? Could be a seizure? My mom isn't home and we had just spent 800 dollars on vet bills. I don't know what to do :(
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I read that seizures are relatively normal behavior in kakarikis, but I'm not sure.

It is extremely difficult to see the tail bald spot. He has to be in the right position. He also has some bald spots on his head, which the breeder says is just because kakarikis have rough molts and they are really funky in that time...
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We are going to grab him to see if under his wings is plucked, but I have no idea how since I've never tried. Welp, wish me the best of luck...he HATES being grabbed!!

EDIT: Can I use the water from the tap to give him a bath? Might help his itchiness.
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I am at a loss of what to do. Perhaps this was because I fed him an apple, but he pooped 4 very watery poops. Mostly water, some brown. Only one of the poops looked normal. But thats 5 poops in a short while. (sometimes a couple of minutes apart) We can't take him to the vet.
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Oh wow, he just had another one. Can anyone tell me what to do? Do you think he is pooping more often because it is mostly water? Seriously, he has been pooping every few minutes and it is freaking me out.

Oh good! I just read this:
"Parrots don’t have bladders like we do. Instead their urine comes out with their feces. If your parrot has been drinking a lot of water or juice, or he/she has been eating lots of juicy fruit, he’ll get rid of all that extra water with a squirt about every 3-5 minutes until it’s out of the system.

Watery feces can be a sign of illness if it lasts more than a day or so but it’s nothing to worry about on occasion."

*phew!* that sounds about right...
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Have you taken him to the vet to have him checked out to see if he has giardia or not????

Seizures, no matter the species, are not normal- they're usually a side effect of some other problem. (I've had one myself!) at this point I would at least call your avian vet- maybe they can give you some advice over the phone, or tell you if his symptoms need treated. Will your avian vet work with you on the bill?

Are you able to post pictures so we can see the feather issue?
Bathing with regular water is fine and will help with the itchiness if he's molting.

And yes, fruit will lead to watery poops -same effect apple juice has on some of us humans :eek:
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Have you taken him to the vet to have him checked out to see if he has giardia or not????

Seizures, no matter the species, are not normal- they're usually a side effect of some other problem. (I've had one myself!) at this point I would at least call your avian vet- maybe they can give you some advice over the phone, or tell you if his symptoms need treated. Will your avian vet work with you on the bill?

Are you able to post pictures so we can see the feather issue?
Bathing with regular water is fine and will help with the itchiness if he's molting.

And yes, fruit will lead to watery poops -same effect apple juice has on some of us humans :eek:

Called my vet a few seconds ago, and she really didn't tell me anything except that I could bring him in tomorrow.

I'm not sure it was a seizure, actually it most likely wasn't. I don't remember perfectly what he did, but who knows, it could have been something else entirely. (something bothering him?) I really wish I could remember what he did better, but I rushed out of the room. I'm pretty sure if it was a seizure he would take a bit to recover. I looked up a video of a parrot having a seizure and it was screeching and its head looked limp. Kirby just flapped his wings and paced on his perch with his wing in an odd position.

I mean, he has been scratching himself a lot. (probably every few minutes when standing) but like I said, my breeder said its just what Kakarikis do when they molt. Otherwise he has been acting normal, he is on one foot right now.
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I don't think it was a seizure either- if it had been, he wouldn't have been able to remain perched. Seizures affect the nervous system and you literally lose control of parts of your body, or the entire body altogether depending on the severity of the seizure....and yes, it can take a bit of time to recover from a seizure depending how bad it is.

It sounds like something else is going on, but it's hard to pin-point the issue without actually seeing it, and I'm not qualified to tell you what's wrong or what isn't...sorry :(

It could be something as simple as irritation from molting, he wanted out (holding their wings out and quivering while slightly bowing is an indication they want to go somewhere else or be picked up), or he could be bothered by something else.

I still recommend you take him to the vet to rule out anything serious.
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I don't think it was a seizure either- if it had been, he wouldn't have been able to remain perched. Seizures affect the nervous system and you literally lose control of parts of your body, or the entire body altogether depending on the severity of the seizure....and yes, it can take a bit of time to recover from a seizure depending how bad it is.

It sounds like something else is going on, but it's hard to pin-point the issue without actually seeing it, and I'm not qualified to tell you what's wrong or what isn't...sorry :(

It could be something as simple as irritation from molting, he wanted out (holding their wings out and quivering while slightly bowing is an indication they want to go somewhere else or be picked up), or he could be bothered by something else.

I still recommend you take him to the vet to rule out anything serious.

Thanks for the reply :)
His poop has been back to normal, thats good. Still trying to bite me when I put my hand it the cage though. I think he is probably okay, but I will ask my breeder when I take him today at 6:30. (she is the only person around here that knows about kaks) If she says I should take him to the vet, I will.
How long have you had him? If he's biting at your hands he either has a fear of hands or doesn't trust you yet to allow himself to be handled...something that can only be solved with time, patience, and positive training.

I hope the breeder can answer your questions! Kaks are few and far between but they're fun little guys! Good luck! Let us know what you find out :)
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How long have you had him? If he's biting at your hands he either has a fear of hands or doesn't trust you yet to allow himself to be handled...something that can only be solved with time, patience, and positive training.

I hope the breeder can answer your questions! Kaks are few and far between but they're fun little guys! Good luck! Let us know what you find out :)

About a year now! I wouldn't say hes skittish, he isn't afraid of people and likes sitting on your head (for maybe a few seconds until he decides to get into something, haha) but he is definitely not at all fond of being held, petted, or kept in the same place for too long. He always looks a bit scarred when me or someone else grabs him. He doesn't usually bite much though...every once in a while he does. He has his moods. He has been moodier when it comes to hands today and yesterday though. Probably being hormonal.

And yes, kaks are just precious! :green1:

Edit: Well ugh, I have to go somewhere for the night so unfortunately we will have to take him tomorrow. I saw him regurgitating on his favorite perch earlier (which he rarely does) so it is very likely just hormonal problems, since that is what everything is pointing to. Silly Kirble, it is so funny to see him do that!
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