Is my Military under weight?


New member
Feb 7, 2015
USA, Macon, GA
Military Macaw; Princess Storm, 25yo
CAG; Alex The Bird, 24yo
Eclectus; Ummbella, 2yo
Well I've only been a member since Feb. this year (2015). I've gotten a wealth of good information from a variety of seasoned members. So I go out and get a digital scale so I can weigh my fids. First to be weighed; Storm, my military macaw. She weighs 882 grams, the mean is 896 grams, the range 810 - 985 grams. I'm wondering should I be giving more fat in her diet? She appears happy, healthy, and is very active. She eats 3 nuts, 1/2 cup Zupreem natural pellets, 1/2 cup diced fruits/veggies and 1 tablespoon of treats most days. Through out the week she may receives 1-2 tablespoons: of pasta raw/ cooked, beans cooked, hot breakfast cereals and ever so often cooked chicken or egg plus a tiny bit of red palm oil or coconut oil. Recently have been reading about chop, plans are to invest in a food processor. Well I did not weigh the other birds. I'm to scared!:green1:
I don't think you have anything to be concerned about. Would you happen to have a photo of Storm? Females are 'generally' smaller built than the males. Can you visibly see her keel bone? If not, I'd confidently say not to worry. :)

Do you free feed her? (Meaning there's always food available?) All my fids are free fed, and my big macs receive 3 handfuls of nuts daily (mix of walnuts, hazel nuts, cashews, pine nuts, pistachios, almonds, pine nuts daily - unshelled). My guys are quite active, so I don't skimp in the nut department. :54:
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Zupreem is their last meal of the day, so yes the dry food is free fed. All my birds are adopted, Their former owners felt they no longer were giving them the care they deserved, and then along came ME. I love them so much, it hurts if I feel I'm doing something wrong. I'm going to increase her nuts, was misinformed about to many might lead to fatty liver disease.Tomorrow before breakfast I'll weigh the others. Lol
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It may just be me....but I don't see an image. :( If you're unsure on how to post an image, here, have a peek :)

Again, it could be on my end, and I sincerely apologize if everyone else can see the picture just fine. :eek:

Please, LadiDy, you just gave me massive goosebumps when you said how much you love your babies. I whole-heartedly believe you!!!! Please don't think you were misinformed, ill-guided, or whatever else you may call it. Everyone feeds their fids differently. :) Big macs don't suffer so much from fatty liver disease as opposed to ... let's say "Amazons". Of course they CAN suffer from it, if ONLY offered foods super high in fat, but again, my guys are super active from dawn to dusk, and the one thing they'll fight over would be nuts....

[ame=""]Videos of Birds 012 - YouTube[/ame]

The diet you are feeing sounds quite good actually. :)
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Nice video and beautiful Macaws. Edit and did a copy and paste, and there she is.
Looks fine to me too...
Zupreem is their last meal of the day, so yes the dry food is free fed. All my birds are adopted, Their former owners felt they no longer were giving them the care they deserved, and then along came ME. I love them so much, it hurts if I feel I'm doing something wrong. I'm going to increase her nuts, was misinformed about to many might lead to fatty liver disease.Tomorrow before breakfast I'll weigh the others. Lol

No. Fatty liver is primarily caused by a crappy seed diet.

Macaws and toos require a little more fat in their diet as part of their daily intake. I do the same thing Wendy does. Mine get a variety of human grade unsalted walnuts, cashews, pistacios, hazelnuts, brazil nuts, and pecans.

Where I have to watch it are the zons and the CAG. The "eat themselves round" birds.

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