January Photo of the Month Contest !


Staff member
Super Moderator
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Nov 22, 2015
Isle of Long, NY
Yellow Shoulder Amazon, Salty
This month's Photo Contest theme is titled:
Dr. Destructo
We want to see pictures or videos of your parrots
either in the process of destroying toys, food, keyboards,
or what ever else they like to take apart
or the aftermath (with the guilty party)!


The contest will run until Jan 31, and a poll for voting will go up then.
The winner will be announced on Feb 1
The winner will receive a Supporting Membership for one year,
and their photo will be on the forum home page as the winner for the month of January.
The winning entry will also be entered into the Photo of the Year contest held next February.
You also get a nifty banner on your profile that says," Parrot of the Month"!

One official entry per person, but you can add just as many 'Just for Fun' entries as you want!

Please make sure to specify which one is your official entry, and remember to follow all Forum rules for safety, etc.

Good Luck to everyone!​
Birds? Destructive? Say it ain't so!

Love the theme, Al! Let the chaos and destruction begin!
This is gonna be easy. There is NOTHING that I own that is untouched by the birds.

Jokes aside though, this is a great theme and I can't wait for all the entries!!
WELL DONE, Wrenchie! Great way to start the New Year... in joyous submission to psittacine destruction!
two minutes later she would figure out that paper is a tasty snack 🤬 😤 🤣:rolleyes:
Haha, this contest is a perfect fit for that precious little book critic you have there❤️
This month's Photo Contest theme is titled:
Dr. Destructo
We want to see pictures or videos of your parrots
either in the process of destroying toys, food, keyboards,
or what ever else they like to take apart
or the aftermath (with the guilty party)!
View attachment 57061
View attachment 57062

The contest will run until Jan 31, and a poll for voting will go up then.
The winner will be announced on Feb 1
The winner will receive a Supporting Membership for one year,
and their photo will be on the forum home page as the winner for the month of January.
The winning entry will also be entered into the Photo of the Year contest held next February.
You also get a nifty banner on your profile that says," Parrot of the Month"!

One official entry per person, but you can add just as many 'Just for Fun' entries as you want!

Please make sure to specify which one is your official entry, and remember to follow all Forum rules for safety, etc.

Good Luck to everyone!​
here is a video of pebbles destroying my brother's Rubik's cube!

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