Hi Everyone, wondering if you guys might know more about this. I have two hand raised birds, a female jenday & male sun conure (which I thought was female but turned out to be male). The female has been laying about 2-3 eggs then discarding them after a week or two, then she will lay another 2-3 and continue discarding them. I feel she just dosn't know what to do with them after a while and just keeps trying. She has layed maybe 8 eggs these last two months. I'm worried that if she keeps doing this she's going to do herself harm. I've been feeding apple, and egg & biscuit with calcium mixed in, as well as some pellets and a walnut treat once a day.
Should I be separating them or just allow her to continue? Any advice would be great, thankyou.
Should I be separating them or just allow her to continue? Any advice would be great, thankyou.