just found a very emaciated cat


New member
Feb 18, 2011
1 nanday conure Black Jack, 1 Brotogeris parakeet Whiff, 1 ring neck dove Eliza, and 6 society finches (3 are tame). RIP my parent pairs of societies and my little gouldian finches
Hey everyone, it's been a while since I've been here But hope everyone is well :). So last night I took in a cat I found in my backyard. He was hiding and crying in my window well, so I put some gloves on and scooped him up. He was too weak to fight, so he was very calm. He is VERY thin and is covered in feces, urine, and dirt matted into his fur and paws and his eyes, nose, and mouth are covered in crust and gunk. I fed him some canned food mixed with water and sweet potato baby food (good for diarrhea and hair balls). I put him to bed in a kennel with some towels so he's nice and warm. He made it through the night and I fed him the same thing today minus the sweet potato. He has no fleas, thank goodness, and is very sweet. Could not be happier sitting in my lap, purring and kneading his paws. Today I cut off some of the matted clumps, cleaned his eyes and mouth, and soaked his paws a little bit. He can barely walk and is very dehydrated so we are going to give him an IV. Tomorrow at work I'm going to talk to a lady involved in cat rescue and see what his options are. He is geeting stronger but please send prayers for him. Anything else you think I can do? I was going to give him some plain pedialyte tonight with chicken baby food for taste because he won't take plain water. All suggestions arr appreciated and I'll see if I can get some pictures up!
He's a lucky boy to have found his way to you. I hope he can pull through now that he's getting cared for.
Sounds like the poor cat really needed a friend when you showed up, glad you saw him in time to help. I hope he fully recovers and finds a wonderful home.
How sad! Hope he pulls through, it sounds like he's being given excellent care :)

We farm and live out in the boonies, it's not unusual for people to drop their cats off back here and drive away, leaving the poor things to fend for themselves IN THIS COLD!!?? So sad...
Thank you for caring! I hope he improves and survives for at least 8 more lives.
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thanks everyone~
unfortunately, he passed away Sunday morning. We were able to get him an IV the night before, but it did not help at that point. my hope is it at least made him more comfortable. his eyes were sunken deep into his head and I was told he had gang green (he could barely use his legs). He was just so sad looking and weak, its still hard to see him in my head that way when i had such high hopes for a recovery. I kept picturing him fat and furry and sleeping in my bed or in the sun with my other cats. before he went we could see he was in pain, he fell over when he tried to stand and was moaning and spazzing. there was comfort in that he died laying in my lap while i gently pet him, so he was comfortable and warm when he died. There's been a lot of snow here so i think he was sick when the cold came and that's what pushed him to how i found him. We made him very comfortable in his days inside so I'm happy that he could at least know love before he died.
I'm sorry to hear. I'm glad he passed in as comfortable a way as possible. I know you tried.
Poor thing, thank you for trying! At least he had a warm home with caring people at the end.

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