Kazi is home!


New member
Dec 2, 2011
Eastern panhandle of WV
Kazi - 13 yr old yellow nape amazon rescue
I brought him home wed after I finished volunteering at the rescue. He's in a round cage at the moment, but I have a nicer rectangular cage ready to go for him, I just need to put it back together.

He's doing pretty well. Today he stepped up out of his cage without biting me for the first time since he's been here, his bites are getting less forceful, his came out of his cage on his own and he beaked my finger earlier. All good signs I think.

He's met all the cats and dogs. I'm waiting for the novelty to wear off before I start leaving him on his play gym when I'm home and in the room. It seems to be wearing off rather quickly. My two male cats couldn't care less, one of the females is afraid of him and the other is curious, but not in a predatory way, more a 'what are you?' way. By the end of the day the dogs were mostly only interested in the fact that Kazi seemed to be dropping a great deal of food on the floor of his cage and they couldn't reach any of it.

I think we're gonna be ok :)
Hey Kazi !!!
I brought him home wed after I finished volunteering at the rescue. He's in a round cage at the moment, but I have a nicer rectangular cage ready to go for him, I just need to put it back together.

He's doing pretty well. Today he stepped up out of his cage without biting me for the first time since he's been here, his bites are getting less forceful, his came out of his cage on his own and he beaked my finger earlier. All good signs I think.

He's met all the cats and dogs. I'm waiting for the novelty to wear off before I start leaving him on his play gym when I'm home and in the room. It seems to be wearing off rather quickly. My two male cats couldn't care less, one of the females is afraid of him and the other is curious, but not in a predatory way, more a 'what are you?' way. By the end of the day the dogs were mostly only interested in the fact that Kazi seemed to be dropping a great deal of food on the floor of his cage and they couldn't reach any of it.

I think we're gonna be ok :)

Don't be fooled by the way your cats are acting right now. Cats are predatory animals and instict will over come them sooner or later. So I wouldn't be very trusting with them when it comes to Kazi.:54:
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I brought him home wed after I finished volunteering at the rescue. He's in a round cage at the moment, but I have a nicer rectangular cage ready to go for him, I just need to put it back together.

He's doing pretty well. Today he stepped up out of his cage without biting me for the first time since he's been here, his bites are getting less forceful, his came out of his cage on his own and he beaked my finger earlier. All good signs I think.

He's met all the cats and dogs. I'm waiting for the novelty to wear off before I start leaving him on his play gym when I'm home and in the room. It seems to be wearing off rather quickly. My two male cats couldn't care less, one of the females is afraid of him and the other is curious, but not in a predatory way, more a 'what are you?' way. By the end of the day the dogs were mostly only interested in the fact that Kazi seemed to be dropping a great deal of food on the floor of his cage and they couldn't reach any of it.

I think we're gonna be ok :)

Don't be fooled by the way your cats are acting right now. Cats are predatory animals and instict will over come them sooner or later. So I wouldn't be very trusting with them when it comes to Kazi.:54:

Hahahaha, the 'no predators and prey alone in the same room' rule stands, I don't care how uninterested the cats seem!
My cat certainly wants to get a hold of my roly poly amazon! She wants to play but her version of play would not work out well for either of them. The bird could be hurt or killed or the cat could end up missing it's nose or toes. Needless to say, kitty must be locked in a bedroom when the birds are out.

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