Kevin in Greytown 2.0

The worrisome disappearance of cash has been a serious problem across the region. The likely cause of large scale migrations of specific species.

It is very telling when the sweethearts of the Amazon species, the Lilac Construction company having to cut-corners just to complete projects. Dangerous signs of things to come.
While cash is disappearing, the barter system has revived in Greytown. Kevin is extremely happy with this arrangement as his millet stores have never been so healthy. The only way to pay the IT budgies is in millet as cash means nothing to them. The greater the millet, the better their performance.

A new internet platform has arisen in Greytown to serve its tenants:
Kevin’s new digs are almost ready. It was decided to provide a big-a** cage while we wait for the appropriate setting for an aviary. His cage is measuring 12’x6’ we’re so excited for this
Truly exciting that the new government mansion is nearing completion. The plans for a celebration had begun as signs of normality began to glimmer within the Kingdom.

The new internet system,, has brought even more joy to the community.
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Kevin is beside himself with excitement regarding the new digs and the new internet system.

Just so very much to keep busy with and he finds that an afternoon nap helps to form new activities while he sleeps. The starting of new activity are brewing in his mind.
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Staff have been busy with preparations and sadly that has resulted in not spending appropriate time with HRH. He began work on places to catch their attention.
The airport had be overly quiet of late. So, it seem odd when the local Cockatoo's began cleaning the building as if some special event was in the makings..
Sadly, Greytown has been in lockdown. HRH is exceedingly careful to avoid any new source of infection. To make matters better, Greygle has been offered for 6 months free to residents. The IT department has been busy connecting residents.

Unsuspecting residents are unaware of spyware being installed.

Is there no dignity?

Has IT lost all moral principles?

Meanwhile, at headquarters in the “secret” basement is a room lined with monitors displaying internet activity throughout the aviary.

Lots of popcorn worthy fodder.
Corn that Pops, as seen yet another run on the local stockpile as it is becoming a local tradition.

It is so very odd that the Cockatoo have become near crazed in cleaning the Airport terminal. Clearly a way of covering prints that may had been made recently. Near too much to fathom, the Parrot AP elected to move on to other stories.
Meanwhile, in the basement, the Palm Cockatoos prepare to interrogate the wily Blue Front, “Blue Angel.” AKA “BA.” BA has been underground for the past 5 years infiltrating the IT department under the code name “Arm and Hammer.” Press leaks were connected to BA and suddenly the hammer fell.

Hours spent without his heated perch have wreaked havoc on the older BA’s arthritic feet. He still won’t give up the boss of his operation.
Poor BA, such terror for an older Parrot to have to suffer for a bad cases of loose beak. With the exception of the Blue-Fronted gang that worked the area and have now left to prey on another. The few unaffiliated Amazon's left in the area have no specific leadership.
Hence the problem with rebellion among the amazon ranks. BA, meanwhile, has concocted a plan together with cellmate “TB” (AKA “THE BIRD”) cockatiel whose activities landed him a sentence with minimal millet privileges.

TB has an in with the Ringneck prison guards. For a hefty sum, the guards have agreed to chew the other way while TB and BA scratch a tunnel connecting to the vast underground network of Greytown.

Suddenly, success! Their digging brought them to IT where they were fitted with microchips to monitor the prison where many nefarious characters are headquartering their schemes.

Prison isn’t that bad after all when working for the right ones in Greytown.

TB’s hefty price was paid and he was rewarded with an abundance of millet for intel on the goings on inside. BA sat in amazement. There is more to cockatiels than meets the eye for sure.
The Macaws where happily repairing the poor work of the Blue-Fronted robbers at the condo they had flipped. In fact, the only one's not happy were those who purchased them. Good deals turn into bad deals when one pays twice. There is much unrest as they search for a target of their frustrations.
The condo inspectors showed up just in time; yellow nape law is called in for a consultation. Indeed the avocado-lined wallpaper in the clubhouse raised quite a few feathers when it was revealed that the poisonous agent was used as an adhesive. Whole flocks of interested flocks flew away fast leaving investors duped.

Motion sensor cameras have been installed. Perhaps they will catch who is on the other side of the perch in this scheme.

The keets in IT are keeping their beaks peeled.

Meanwhile, tunnels continue to be scratched underground by BA and TB. A spacious den has been prepared under the condos for direct surveillance. The keets have their claws full and have expanded their employee base to the Canary wings. They can keep their beaks clean.
At the recent Yellow-Nape Law manager's meeting, the request for Legal Support for clients in Greytown was reviewed. The lack of staff in Africa has been a frustration as much of Africa remains locked in minimal to no travel restrictions. Although not prefect, teleconference provides at least interaction with their clients and emailing documents can be printed, Legal Support is possible. Priscilla stated she would arrange for a teleconference with their client base.
Teleconferencing has occasional issues and a bit of humor as occasional drops have made for some odd wording! But, documents are beginning to flow as more clients are adjusting to this different kind of communication /document exchange.
Migration of the flamingos has eased covert communication attempts. The greys have recorded precise directions for Yellow Nape Law.

Hopefully the flamingos won’t get too distracted flying over Spain.
It is very difficult for any of the migrating flocks as flying over the Spanish Riviera can be such a distraction.

Yellow-Nape Law has assigned specific staff for telecommunication with its clients as a result errors in legal documents has fall to near zero. Clients are increasing happy with the improvements.

The Amsterdam group have contact the North American office for copies of their newest contract sets and the technology have improved to allow signatures during the teleconference.

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