Kiko cut his foot?


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2022
Hello, I have a 2 year old cockatiel named kiko.

I noticed some dried blood on his lower stomach feathers and then noticed that his foot has some dry blood on it too. I think he cut his foot but I donā€™t know how or when. Iā€™m freaking out because I donā€™t know how to prevent him from picking at it (he isnā€™t at the moment) or infections. I donā€™t have antibacterial ointments, only septic powder. What should I do? He isnā€™t in any kind of pain, I touched his foot gently with clean hands, he didnā€™t make any noise or move his foot and heā€™s also walking fine.

NOTE: I got his nails cut a week ago and one of the nails tip lost a drop of blood. Iā€™m assuming this has nothing to do with his foot? Iā€™m asking because the cut is near his nail but he bled from the tip of the nail when it was cut.
Donā€™t worry, itā€™s not a big a big deal. Birds seem to get little cuts and scrapes on their feet fairly often and it should heal fine on its own šŸ™‚. You may want to take a look through his cage to make sure there are no sharp spots on the cage or any of his toys where he may have cut his foot.

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